Literatura beletrystyczna - beletrystyka psychologiczna, religijna i filozoficzna, powieści, opowiadania, science fiction, romans, thrillery, fantazja po te wszysztkie bestsellery zapraszamy do naszej księgarni internetowej
Mamy naprawdę szeroki wybów i atrakcyjne ceny. Jest w czym wybierać. Zapraszamy.
Sześciu kandydatów na chłopaka i tylko siedem dni na znalezienie tego jedynego. Kto znajdzie drogę do serca Lahey? Lahey Johnson słynie z tego, że pomaga swoim przyjaciołom i kolegom znaleźć miłość. Jasne, sama nigdy nie miała chłopaka, ale to nie znaczy, że nie mogłaby go mieć, prawda? Po prostu nigdy nie miała powodu, żeby skupić się na własnym życiu miłosnym. Teraz, gdy zbliżają się szesnaste urodziny jej znienawidzonej kuzynki Summer, ma w końcu idealny powód: zemstę. Lahey zrobi wszystko, by udowodnić, że potrafi znaleźć sobie partnera na imprezę Summer wszystko, łącznie z równoczesnym umawianiem się z sześcioma kandydatami przez siedem dni. Wcześniej już kojarzyła ludzi w pary teraz wystarczy, że dowie się, czego szukają ci chłopcy i stanie się dokładnie taką dziewczyną. Proste. Jedyny problem? Irytujący przyjaciel jej starszej siostry, Adler, który postanowił obserwować całe to przedstawienie. Może ją drażnić ile chce, jednak nic nie odwróci uwagi Lahey od jej celu, czyli przyćmienia Summer. Ale im bliżej imprezy, tym większa panika ją ogarnia. Czy swatka może w końcu znaleźć kogoś idealnego także dla siebie? Urocza komedia romantyczna idealna dla fanów twórczości Jenny Han i Beth Reekles.
"Czerwona gorączka" to zbiór opowiadań, w których instrukcji pędzenia bimbru brak. Zawiera za to opowieści, w gruncie rzeczy, dość prawdopodobne i......NIESAMOWITE - odkryjecie tajemnicę chińskiej szkatułki, odbędziecie lot nawiedzonym sterowcem oraz poznacie pasażerów widmowego pociągu krążącego po polskich torach....DEMASKATORSKIE - prawdziwa historia stanie dla Was otworem, gdy zrozumiecie skąd się biorą rewolucje, dlaczego w Rosji zwyciężył komunizm, a II Wojna Światowa skończyła się inaczej niż dotychczas sądziliście....JAK NAJBARDZIEJ AKTUALNE - zwiedzicie Europę, w której rządzą fundamentaliści arabscy, zaznacie nieco traumy szkolnej i przekonacie się, że dobry news potrafi kształtować rzeczywistość, czyli, że słowo ciałem się staje.UWAGA! W jednym z utworów Andrzej Pilipiuk dopuścił do głosu żonę Katarzynę. Sprawdźcie, ile jest Pilipiuka w Pilipiukach.
W drugiej części bestsellerowego cyklu ZMIERZCH nie brak wydarzeń mrożących krew w żyłach. Edward to wciąż dla Belli najważniejsza osoba pod słońcem. Jest im razem cudownie. Gdyby tylko chłopak nie był wampirem! Niestety, ten fakt wszystko komplikuje, także z pozoru niewinną zażyłość dziewczyny z przyjacielem z dzieciństwa Jacobem…
Powieść, podobnie jak pozostałe części cyklu, została sfilmowana.
Monografia podejmuje zagadnienia z poetyki teoretycznej i historycznej oraz historii literatury. Podstawowym kontekstem artystycznym i zarazem głównym przedmiotem dociekań autorki jest semantyzacja rytmu w utworach poetyckich przedstawicieli rosyjskiego i ukraińskiego futuryzmu, a kluczem do rozważań – perspektywa komparatystycznego oglądu dokonań jego reprezentantów, Wielimira Chlebnikowa i Mychajla Semenki, na tle wschodnioeuropejskiej awangardy artystycznej (przede wszystkim malarskiej i filmowej) oraz w odniesieniu do tradycji literackiej i ludowej. Dokonując przeglądu awangardowych poszukiwań twórczych w zakresie semantyki rytmu, autorka wykracza poza sferę ukształtowań językowych i uwzględnia także rytm przestrzenny i czasowy. Zagadnienia metryki porównawczej harmonijnie splatają się tu z problematyką historii sztuki, estetyki filmu i badań nad folklorem. Książka może stanowić inspirację i zarazem solidną podstawę do dalszych badań nad procesami semantyzacji rytmu w utworze poetyckim, szczególnie w liryce futurystycznej, studiów nad słowiańską metry- ką porównawczą oraz intermedialnymi eksperymentami wschodnio- europejskiej awangardy. Z recenzji dr hab. Tamary Brzostowskiej-Tereszkiewicz, prof. IBL PAN Целью монографии является анализ различных проявлений ритмизации поэтического текста в футуристической поэзии на примере избранных произведений двух выдающихся представителей российского и украинского футуризма соответственно - Велимира Хлебникова и Михайля Семенко. Суть исследования заключается в анализе поэтического ритма как фактора формы и содержания в теории и поэтической практике футуризма. В объем исходного материала входят произведения разных периодов творчества обоих вышеупомянутых поэтов, а его выбор зависит от особенностей поэтических концепций авторов, реализованных в текстах. Монография является вкладом в дальнейший анализ процессов семантизации ритма в поэтических текстах и в междисциплинарные исследования в области искусствоведения, киноэстетики и фольклористики. Ksenia Dubiel– adiunkt w Instytucie Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie literaturoznawstwa, absolwentka filologii rosyjskiej na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, tłumaczka.
Oćma to ciemność.Zamknij oczy, wytęż zmysły.Wiem, że się boisz, lecz to minie.Czasy współczesne, Żnin. Były dziennikarz przypadkiem jest świadkiem zbrodni, której nie potrafi nikomu udowodnić - nie ma ciała, nie ma dowodów. Młoda matka cierpi ze zmęczenia i bezgranicznego smutku. Nastoletnia dziewczyna podejmuje trudną decyzję, która nieodwracalnie odmieni jej życie.W Oćmie poznasz różnych ludzi i różne historie, a kiedy odkryjesz, jak elementy tej układanki zaczynają do siebie pasować, poczujesz ciarki na plecachTo nie tylko trzymający w napięciu thriller, ale też ekstremalnie poruszająca opowieść o samotności, ludzkich słabościach i walce o przetrwanie.***Gdy jedni chcą uciec od przeszłości, a drudzy ją wskrzesić, śmierć zbiera żniwo. Angażujący thriller naszpikowany zwrotami akcji i lokalnym kolorytem!Weronika MathiaBIOGRAMHanna S. BiałysBydgoszczanka, urodzona w 1986 roku. Laureatka konkursu na opowiadanie kryminalne Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Kryminału we Wrocławiu (2019 rok), absolwentka dwóch kursów Maszyny do pisania z Robertem Małeckim (2019) oraz z Maciejem Siembiedą w ramach Poznańskiego Festiwalu Kryminału Granda (2023). Autorka kryminalnej serii z komisarzem Bondysem (Robaki w ścianie, Męczennicy na płótnie, Węże na ziemi, węże na niebie). Prywatnie: niepoprawnie zakochana w swoim mieście bydgoszczanka, żona pilanina, mama pilsko-bydgoskiej córki. Fanka zespołu Rammstein i Lindemann, amatorsko malarka/rysowniczka.
Simple Laws for Smarter Decisions in a World of Too Much Information, from one of Europe’s leading data journalists.
‘Kiko Llaneras is one of the most consistently interesting data journalists to have emerged in the last decade’
John Burn-Murdoch, Chief data reporter, Financial Times
It’s almost impossible to feel confident we’ve made the right choice when we are constantly faced with conflicting data. From choosing the right school for our children to understanding major social and political events, making informed decisions can feel overwhelming. In a world overflowing with data, it is more important than ever to decipher what the numbers tell us.
A twisty, pulse-pounding read that offers a modern psychological thriller update on The Shining
When Kerry arrives to start a new job as the caretaker of a remote motel in the Catskills, she’s excited for a fresh start.
But she quickly realises that something is very wrong.
Her room is full of the previous caretaker’s belongings – and it looks like she was trying to leave in a hurry.
And then, Kerry sees it – the trails of blood. The hand reaching out from the snow…
Confused and scared, in the midst of a snowstorm, Kerry goes out to seek help. When the police arrive, though, things go from bad to worse.
Because the body has disappeared. But the killer is still out there…
‘Anne McCaffrey’s Pern novels are truly foundational books; it’s hard to imagine the modern-day landscape of fantasy and science fiction without them.’ Naomi Novik, author of the Temeraire series
When Lessa chose a dragon over her birthright, the hold she was to have inherited passed to Lord Jaxom instead. But Jaxom then muddied generations of Pern tradition by impulsively Impressing Ruth, a small, white dragon, as a child. From that moment on, the debate has raged. Is Jaxom now a dragonrider, or a lord holder? All anyone agrees on is that he cannot be both. But perhaps it is all academic anyway, for no one expects Ruth to survive.
But Ruth not only survives, he thrives. With Jaxom on the cusp on adulthood, the thing the pair most desire is to fight Thread side-by-side with the larger dragons. Jaxom knows what his dragon is capable of, and now that he is – mostly – grown, he is determined to buck tradition. Fortunately, a teenage rebellion may be the key to both Pern’s salvation and winning the woman of his dreams.
Don’t miss the original trilogy from Anne McCaffrey’s beloved Dragonriders of Pern series:
A propulsive narrative history of the motivation and mentality behind the Nazis and their supporters.
How could the Nazis have committed the crimes they did? Why did commandants of concentration and death camps willingly – often enthusiastically – oversee mass murder? How could ordinary Germans have tolerated the removal of the Jews? In THE NAZI MIND, bestselling author Laurence Rees combines history and the latest research in psychology to help answer some of the most perplexing questions surrounding the Second World War and the Holocaust.
Ultimately, he delves into the darkness to explain how and why these people were capable of committing the worst crime in the history of the world. Rees traces the rise and eventual fall of the Nazis through the lens of ‘twelve warnings’ – from talk about ‘them’ and ‘us’ to the escalation of racism – whilst also highlighting signs to look out for in present day leaders.
Rees uses previously unpublished testimony from former Nazis and those who grew up in the Nazi system, and in-depth psychological insights including cutting edge work on obedience, authority and the brain. THE NAZI MIND is a revelatory new way of understanding how so many people committed the most appalling crime of the 20th century.
This rich and enjoyable book recounts the tangled, dynamic encounters through which Asia has influenced Europe and North America over centuries
From the time of the ancient Greeks onwards the West's relationship with Asia consisted for the most part of outrageous tales of strange beasts and monsters, of silk and spices shipped over vast distances and an uneasy sense of unknowable empires fantastically far away. By the twentieth century much of Asia might have come under Western rule after centuries of warfare, but its intellectual, artistic and spiritual influence was fighting back.
The Light of Asia is a wonderfully varied and entertaining history of the many ways in which Asia has shaped European and North American culture over centuries of tangled, dynamic encounters, and the central importance of this vexed, often confused relationship. From Marco Polo onwards Asia has been both a source of genuine fascination and equally genuine failures of comprehension. China, India and Japan were all acknowledged to be both great civilizations and in crude ways seen as superseded by the West. From Chicago to Calcutta, and from antiquity to the new millennium, this is a rich, involving story of misunderstandings and sincere connection, of inspiration and falsehood, of geniuses, adventurers and con-men.
Christopher Harding's captivating gallery of people and places celebrates Asia's impact on the West in all its variety.
Near Checkpoint Zulu, one hundred miles from the Kuwait border, British journalist Thomas Benton meets American private Arwood Hobbes. Desert Storm is over, and peace has been declared. As the two argue about whether it makes sense to cross the nearest border, they become embroiled in a horrific attack in which a young local girl in a green dress is killed under their protection. The two men walk away into their respective lives. But something has cracked in both of them.
Twenty-two years later, in another place, in another war, they meet again and are offered an unlikely opportunity to redeem themselves when that same girl in green is found alive and in need of salvation. Will this second chance allow the two men to right the wrongs of their past?
Nabokov's early novel about a chess-playing genius, reissuing in Modern Classics as part of the Nabokov relaunch
Vladimir Nabokov's early novel is the dazzling story of the coarse, strange yet oddly endearing chess-playing genius Luzhin. Discovering his prodigious gift in boyhood and rising to the rank of International Grandmaster, Luzhin develops a lyrical passion for chess that renders the real world a phantom. As he confronts the fiery, swift-swooping Italian Grandmaster Turati, he brings into play his carefully devised defence. Making masterly play of metaphor and imagery, The Defense is the book that, of his early works, Nabokov felt 'contains and diffuses the greatest warmth'.
A Harvard professor shows how we can become better talkers - and why effective conversation will help us all thrive
Conversation is at the heart of our relationships and our decision-making. From meeting a colleague to saying goodnight to our loved ones, our days are filled with verbal communication -- but the science of everyday conversation is little known. We may spend time thinking about difficult exchanges, but research shows that there’s room to improve seemingly easy interactions too.
In Talk, Harvard professor Alison Wood Brooks shows how simple changes in how we communicate can enhance our relationships, our performance at work and our lives; who we talk to affects our happiness; and how to talk across differences. Her original research, based on thousands of conversations from sales calls to speed dating, provides fascinating insights - for instance, the way that certain questions affect dating success, and the role of jokes in reaching leadership positions.
Learning to converse even a little more effectively can make a big difference. Through her original TALK framework – Topics, Asking, Levity and Kindness – Wood Brooks will give you the tools that her MBA students say transforms their lives. Bringing together psychology, linguistics, sociology and neuroscience, Talk will show how we can use science to help us enrich our lives, one conversation at a time.
A transformative guide to the power of slowing down for spiritual balance and peace from Qi Gong master Lee Holden.
Published as Ready, Set, Slow in the United States
In the face of burnout, lack of passion and endless to-do lists, what if to achieve more you need to do less?
In this accessible guide, Lee Holden shares The Slow Method, principles of slow mind, body and relationships drawn from the philosophical wisdom of Eastern meditation, martial arts and philosophies, and merged with Western science. The resulting practices offer a comprehensive understanding of how to slow down and increasingly embrace life's rhythms.
Whether you're practising primal shaking or gratitude meditation for the mind; vagal breathing or optimal digestion acupressure, you’ll learn to access the magical benefits of slowing down to create lasting change in your life and the lives of those you love.
'Slow is a breakthrough in modern living. Lee gives us techniques that anyone can benefit from' - Deepak Chopra
'Lee unlocks the ancient biohacking techniques of the East' - Dave Asprey aka The Father of Biohacking
'Truly an inspiration. He always amazes me with how he takes ancient wisdom and makes it accessible.' - James Nestor, international bestselling author of Breath
Want to know how to make quick progress - without waiting for a crisis to hit? International bestseller Dan Heath reveals all.
Reset will help you get unstuck, shake off old habits, and overcome the inertia of the way things always work. Heath shares a framework, based on research in psychology and hundreds of interviews, to help you vault toward what really matters.
Crucially, you can make positive changes without the need for additional time or money (which, for most of us, is not forthcoming). The secret is to find leverage points: places where a little bit of effort can yield a disproportionate return.
Our aspirations may differ, but our resolve is the same: to escape the stifling gravity of entrenched systems. To unlock forward momentum – making steady progress toward our highest goals – without the need for more resources. The same people, the same assets, but dramatically better results.
Yesterday, we were stuck. Today, we reset.
The beloved Australian classic, published in a stunning Penguin Clothbound Classics edition for the first time
Miles Franklin’s debut novel follows the vivacious and rebellious sixteen-year-old Sybylla Melvyn – closely modelled on Franklin herself – as she fights to break free of restrictive bush life. Growing up on her parents’ outback farm, Sybylla is desperate to read, write, sing and achieve great things. Yet her aspirations for a ‘brilliant career’ are persistently thwarted, first by the arduous demands of rural family life, and later by the shackles of a proposed conventional marriage to the wealthy Harold Beecham. With only her brilliant, conflicted mind to guide her, Sybylla is forced to define a life on her own terms.
My Brilliant Career is acclaimed for capturing the spirit of Australia at the turn of the twentieth century. The struggles of its fiery, precocious protagonist shine a light on the emergent women’s rights and suffrage movement during this period, and memorably evoke the intensity of youth.
Your mind is a magnet – and you are the one who controls it
You are a walking magnet, constantly drawing things into your reality. But what if the things you attract don't reflect your true desires?
In this book, meditation teacher and personal growth coach Rochelle Fox guides you through the secrets of magnetism, equipping you with the ultimate law of attraction toolkit to master your subconscious and turn ambition into reality.
Tap into the three pillars of magnetism – mindset to calm the chaos of your past, meditation to make room for new in the present, and manifesting to curate your dream future.
Once you master the power of your mind, it’s you who gets to decide what happens next.
A lost princess and a vanished world: a remarkable true story that moves from the Punjab of the Raj to 1930s Paris and the cataclysm of the Second World War
A lost princess and a vanished world: a remarkable true story that moves from the Punjab of the Raj to 1930s Paris and the Second World War
‘Remarkable and compelling’ Edmund de Waal
‘Thoroughly engaging’ Kamila Shamsie
In a Mumbai museum in 2007, Livia Manera Sambuy encounters a photograph that will change her life forever.
The caption claims that the Punjabi princess Amrit Kaur sold her jewels in occupied Paris to save Jewish lives, only to be arrested by the Gestapo and sent to a concentration camp where she died within a year.
For Livia, this marks the beginning of a compulsive search for the truth as she delves into the history of the British Raj, the diamonds and sapphires of the twentieth-century aristocracy, and the lives of extraordinary figures: bankers, jewellers, explorers and spies.
Unlock a better understanding of your brain, body and environment to eat well and lose weight, forever.
‘One of Britain’s top weight-loss experts’ This Morning
For years we’ve been told that successful weight loss is a simple matter of willpower and calorie control. But this argument fails to take into account how our brains and bodies respond to food – in particular, to the ultra-processed foods that seem inescapable in modern life.
Bariatric surgeon and Sunday Times bestselling author Dr Andrew Jenkinson gives us a game-changing blueprint to free us from our biological impulses. Even though our brains are hardwired to seek out quick rewards in salty and sugary foods, he demonstrates how to escape our default behaviours to create long-lasting change.
With cutting edge metabolic science, mental reprogramming strategies, easy lifestyle changes and even delicious recipes, maintaining a healthy weight never felt so good.
From the New York Times bestselling author of Black Cake comes a stunningly beautiful tale about love, family and seeking a new life in the aftermath of tragedy
Ebby Freeman’s life has always been marked with tragedy. First, the death of her brother Baz, killed in an anonymous armed robbery when they were teenagers. Then her perfect fiancé Henry deserting her on the day of their wedding, without an explanation.
When Ebby arrives in a sleepy French village, she believes she’s found an opportunity for healing and anonymity. Until Henry appears, staying at the neighbouring property with his beautiful new girlfriend in tow.
It’s the worst situation that Ebby can imagine. But might it give her a chance to piece together the fragments of her past – and finally embrace her future?
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