It's the perfect getaway. But the past will always find you . . .
When ex-cop Bill Robinson takes over The Inn by the Sea, all he wants is a quiet escape from the city.
But when a crime boss moves into town and begins terrorising Bill's friends, he can't just sit back and watch.
It's not long before local criminals are turning up dead and The Inn comes under attack.
With the help of The Inn's fearless residents, Bill must do everything he can to defend his town, his chosen family, and his home.
Sergeant Lindsay Boxer's friend and former partner is brutally murdered in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.
SFPD homicide detective Lindsay Boxer knows her way around a crime scene.
But nothing can prepare her for the shock of recognition: the victim is Warren Jacobi, Lindsay's former partner who rose to chief of police.
A top detective until the end, Jacobi managed to leave Lindsay a clue.
Following a trail of evidence along the west coast, the Women's Murder Club pledges to avenge Jacobi's death before the killer can take another one of their own.
How did Tiger Woods become the greatest of all time?
And how did he fall so spectacularly?
Before the age of twenty-five, Tiger Woods had risen to phenomenon status: twice named Sportsman of the Year by Sports Illustrated, champion of more than thirty professional tournaments and the youngest player to win all four Grand Slam tournaments.
In vivid, dramatic scenes, Tiger, Tiger taps into the transformative moments of Wood's life, both on and off the course.
'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON
'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades' LEE CHILD
'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind' MICHAEL CONNELLY
'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN
'Nobody does it better' JEFFREY DEAVER
Jane Smith is back to defend her most troublesome client against another triple homicide accusation.
Jane Smith is running out of time . . .
Her repeat client, Rob Jacobson, is the unluckiest of the unlucky. No sooner is he accused of killing a family of three in the Hamptons than a second family is gunned down.
He says he's being set up – again. Despite the odds, Jane believes him.
Now she must mount the most complex investigation of her career. But she’s facing her own battle too. A terminal medical condition.
The defence may never rest.
Combining the talents of two of our greatest storytellers, James Patterson and Michael Crichton present an engrossing event thriller about a volcanic eruption in Hawaii.
'As thrilling and jaw-dropping as Jurassic Park' Don Winslow
'Heart-pounding storytelling at its finest' T.J. Newman
'One of the most entertaining novels I've read in years' Adrian McKinty
Two of the bestselling storytellers of all time have created an unforgettable thriller.
A once-in-a-century volcanic eruption is about to destroy the Big Island of Hawaii.
But a decades-old military secret could turn the volcano into something even more terrifying...
Now it’s up to a handful of brave individuals to save the island – and the entire world.
Her name is Jane Smith. But to friends and foes, she's Jane Effing Smith.
Why? Because she's the best criminal defence attorney in the Hamptons - the elite world of New York's rich and infamous. Because she's as good an investigator as she is a lawyer. Because she's tough. She's strong.
As Jane is preparing to defend a high-profile client accused of a triple homicide, she's also hired to revive a cold case - a cluster of unsolved murders.
Then another bombshell lands. A devastating medical diagnosis. Terminal. She's got a year to live.
But for now, she has a trial to win. Unless one of her many enemies kills her first.
JEDEN POCAŁUNEK I JESTEŚ MARTWY… W trakcie swojego pierwszego dyżuru młody policant Walter O’Brien przybywa na miejsce zbrodni, gdzie odnajduje ciało mężczyzny oraz dwudziestoletnią Amy Archer. Dziewczyna była więziona i torturowana, zabiła w obronie własnej. Gdy Walter odwozi ją samochodem do szpitala, kobieta ucieka... Z biegiem lat odnalezienie Amy Archer staje się obsesją Waltera. Co jakiś czas prowadzi dochodzenia, które przypominają mu zbrodnię sprzed lat. Ku swojemu zdumieniu odkrywa, że nie tylko on szuka zaginionej dziewczyny, tropią ją też agenci FBI... James Patterson to autor światowych bestsellerów, mistrz narracji. Współpracował jako autor ze znanymi osobistościami, prezydentem Billem Clintonem, a także spadkobiercami Alberta Einsteina. Cała kariera pisarska Pattersona jest podporządkowana jednej idei: udowodnić, że nie ma ludzi, którzy „nie lubią czytać”; są tylko osoby, które nie znalazły właściwej książki. Podarował przeszło trzy miliony książek szkołom i armii amerykańskiej, przekazał ponad siedemdziesiąt milionów dolarów na wsparcie edukacji i ufundował przeszło pięć tysięcy stypendiów dla nauczycieli. Za niezwykłą wyobraźnię i działalność na rzecz czytelnictwa otrzymał w 2019 roku The National Humanities Medal. The National Book Foundation uhonorowała go The Literarian Award for Outstanding Service to the American Literary Community. Otrzymał również Nagrodę Edgara i dziewięć Nagród Emmy. Mieszka wraz z rodziną na Florydzie. J.D. Barker to autor bestsellerów „New York Timesa”, w tym powieści Dracul i Czwarta małpa. Jego książki przetłumaczono na przeszło dwadzieścia języków; opcje do ich ekranizacji zakupili producenci filmowi i telewizyjni. Mieszka w stanie New Hampshire na wybrzeżu Atlantyku wraz z żoną Dayną i córką Ember.
Max Einstein nie jest typową dwunastolatką. Bierze udział w tajnych misjach, wymyśla genialne wynalazki i rozmawia z Albertem Einsteinem.Choć Max i jej przyjaciele z Centrum Mądrych Inicjatyw potrafią znaleźć rozwiązanie dla najtrudniejszych problemów, tym razem czeka na nich prawdziwe wyzwanie. Czy młodym geniuszom uda się z sukcesem zakończyć kolejną misję i sprawić, by już nigdy żadne dziecko nie cierpiało głodu?Na drodze staje im jak zwykle chciwa Korporacja, która chce przejąć władzę nad światem. Inteligentne drony, niebezpieczne zasadzki i podróże w czasie - Korporacja nie cofnie się przed niczym, by osiągnąć swój cel.Ale to jeszcze nie koniec! Max również próbuje zbudować wehikuł czasu, by dowiedzieć się, kim byli jej rodzice i dlaczego opuścili ją, gdy była małym dzieckiem. Przeszłość dziewczynki i przyszłość Centrum Mądrych Inicjatyw łączą się w historię, od której nie można się oderwać!To pierwsza i jedyna seria książek przygodowych autoryzowana przez Archiwum Alberta Einsteina.
Max Einstein nie jest typową dwunastolatką. Potrafi złamać zabezpieczenia systemów komputerowych, wymyśla genialne wynalazki i rozmawia z Albertem Einsteinem.Wszystko w życiu dziewczynki zmienia się, gdy razem z innymi nieprzeciętnymi nastolatkami trafia do tajemniczej organizacji. Czy młodzi geniusze będą umieli wykorzystać swoje zdolności i wiedzę, by uratować świat? Czasu na działanie jest mało, a wróg czai się tuż za rogiem.Poznaj Max Einstein i jej przyjaciół, a przekonasz się, że odwaga, nauka i wyobraźnia otwierają drzwi do niesamowitych przygód!To pierwsza i jedyna książka przygodowa oficjalnie autoryzowana przez Archiwum Alberta Einsteina.
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.
Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.
The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.
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Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.
Scientist Jackson Oz has discovered that all around the world, animals have started attacking humans. Jackson and fellow scientist Chloe set out to warn scientists and politicians about the attacks, before it is too late.
Jack Morgan has a company called Private. Private helps people. Sometimes, Private helps the police, too. Now, Jack's friend is dead. Private must find the killer. Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills. Private, a Level 2 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework. Sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the future tenses will and going to, present continuous for future meaning, and comparatives and superlatives. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages.
When an American Airlines plane explodes in the sky, detectives Alex Cross and John Sampson are first on the scene. They don't hear the gunfire. At first.
It soon becomes clear that the plane was taken down by a rare, stolen machine gun. The list of people who could operate the weapon is short. And time runs even shorter.
But this isn't the only case the pair must solve. They're also tracking a serial killer who's ambushing young men in what the media are calling the 'Dead Hours' murders.
With two killers and two different motives, Cross and Sampson are in a deadly race against time . . .
An undercover CIA officer has seven days to save her country from the world's most dangerous double-agent.
The CIA's highly classified Special Activities Division is in the business of tracking people down and keeping secrets hidden. Then a botched field operation reveals some dark dealings between an officer's superiors and an informant, including a plot that could kill thousands of Americans.
Knowing that her leadership is corrupt to the core, intelligence officer Amy Cornwall is forced to give up her identity and work from the shadows. But it's not easy staying hidden when your enemies are elite intelligence operatives.
Will she get the truth out into the light before losing her identity, her history, her family?
The countdown has already begun.
When an American Airlines plane explodes in the sky, detectives Alex Cross and John Sampson are first on the scene. They don't hear the gunfire. At first.
It soon becomes clear that the plane was taken down by a rare, stolen machine gun. The list of people who could operate the weapon is short. And time runs even shorter.
But this isn't the only case the pair must solve. They're also tracking a serial killer who's ambushing young men in what the media are calling the 'Dead Hours' murders.
With two killers and two different motives, Cross and Sampson are in a deadly race against time . . .
The latest thriller in the globally bestselling series has arrived.
The thrilling new novella in the globally bestselling series plus two gripping new stories from the master of suspense.
23 ½ Lies
When SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer is called to investigate a crime scene, nothing can prepare her for what she finds: her estranged father gunned down execution style. The case will soon reveal to Lindsay a series life-altering truths . . .
Fallen Ranger
A series of armed robberies are linked to a gang of motorcycle bandits. Rory Yates, the hero of Texas Ranger, is tasked with hunting them down.
Watch Your Back
A starving artist is paid to expose his client's cheating wife. But no amount of money can protect him from a world of corruption . . .
Detective Lindsay Boxer put serial killer Evan Burke behind bars. Now a new killer has recreated Burke's most infamous crimes-and disappeared without a trace.
Detective Lindsay Boxer put serial killer Evan Burke in jail.
Reporter Cindy Thomas put Burke on the bestseller list, in her true-crime book about the case.
An obsessed fan is studying every detail-and committing fresh horrors that carry Burke's signature.
Now Lindsay's tracking an elusive suspect, one who's penning a deadly playbook featuring Cindy's name in blood-red ink.
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