KATEGORIE [rozwiń]

Chapman Tom

Okładka książki How to Listen So Men Will Talk

59,00 zł 47,76 zł

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We need to encourage men to talk about their feelings. This book uses the Lions Barber Collective's established training approach - created with the help of psychiatrists and mental health professionals - to gives you the tools you need to play a supportive role and listen effectively. The shocking statistic that suicide is the biggest killer of men aged 29-40 in the UK has made us all wake up to the fact we need to encourage men to talk about their feelings. For some, the stigma and taboo around mental health make it a difficult subject to speak about or 'admit' to due to shame of being seen to be weak, especially in men. What can you do about it? What steps can you take, that could make a real difference to the men around you - and point them toward the right help? Tom Chapman is the founder of mental health charity the Lions Barber Collective, set up to raise awareness for the prevention of suicide. This book uses the LBC's established training approach, to gives you the tools you need to play a supportive role and listen effectively.
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