W tej strefie nasz czytelnik znajdzie mnóstwo tytułów w atrakcyjnych cenach do swojej domowej biblioteczki. Najciekawsze tytuły książkowe z legendami, podaniami i mitami z różnych stron świata . To nie tylko literackie opracowanie ludowych czy fantastycznych motywów, które funkcjonują w naszej kulturze. To również nauka o tym, skąd pochodzą nasze korzenie.
Scandalous gossip, wild parties, and forbidden love - witness what the gods do after dark in this stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of mythology's best-known stories.
'Steamy, often laugh-out-loud funny and emotional' Jennifer L. Armentrout, # 1 New York Times bestselling author of From Blood and Ash
Persephone, young goddess of spring, is new to Olympus. Her mother, Demeter, has raised her in the mortal realm, but after Persephone promises to train as a sacred virgin, she's allowed to live in the fast-moving, glamorous world of the gods.
When her roommate, Artemis, takes her to a party, her entire life changes: she ends up meeting Hades and feels an immediate spark with the charming yet misunderstood ruler of the Underworld.
Now Persephone must navigate the confusing politics and relationships that rule Olympus, while also figuring out her own place - and her own power.
This edition of Smythe's original Eisner-nominated webcomic Lore Olympus features a brand-new, exclusive short story, and brings the Greek pantheon into the modern age in a sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novel.
The myths and legends of the Norsemen have entertained both old and young alike for hundreds of years.
This fascinating collection contains stories retold from the Icelandic Eddas, the principal sources of knowledge of Norse mythology, and the Sagas of the ancient world of the Vikings.
Following the deeds of the powerful Norse gods, such as Odin, Thor and Loki, and filled with a host of fantastic creatures and objects containing magical properties, the tales in Norse Mythology will conjure up a world of heroism and romance that will enthrall readers.
Jak to było z początkami państwa polskiego – i jego pierwszą stolicą, Gnieznem? Skąd się wzięła nazwa Warszawy? Jak Smok Wawelski uprzykrzał życie mieszkańcom Krakowa i od czego pochodzi tradycja krakowskiego lajkonika? Jak brykające koziołki znalazły się na poznańskim ratuszu, a lwy – na gdańskim? Czy Smocza Studnia w podwrocławskim lesie nadal istnieje? W jaki sposób diabły pomogły ubogiej wdowie z Lublina? Co zrobiła Święta Kinga dla Wieliczki? Wyrusz w podróż po polskich miastach i poznaj związane z nimi historyczno-magiczne opowieści. Każdy rozdział to krótka informacja o danym mieście i jego atrakcjach, słowniczek najważniejszych pojęć oraz opowieść utrzymana w formie gawędy.
Gorgeous Collector's Edition. India, one of the great, ancient civilizations, spawned a fascinating canon of myths and legends. With multiple gods, and a riot of colour and character, this fantastic new book, Indian Myths & Legends, explores the themes and landscapes that created the tales, and reveals the boundless energy that brought us the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, retelling the stories of Krishna, Buddha and Shiva, and some of the many different versions of creation.
Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.
The Norse legends of Odin, Thor, Loki and all the gods of Asgard are well known, but less so are the historical origins of civilization in the very early days of Norway and wider Scandinavia which evolved this dramatic mythology. Archaeology furnishes us with fascinating evidence of the progress of the peoples and their way of life, until later the skaldic poets began to write down and celebrate the life and exploits of their rulers, establishing divine authority through legend and myth. The various tribes of the more southerly regions – from the Geats (Gautar or Goths) of Götaland and the Swedes (Suiones) to the Cimbri of Jutland – migrated and expanded north to evolve from tribal systems into fully fledged kingdoms.
This fascinating book revives some classic historical works, with an insightful introduction explaining context and modern knowledge. Trace the ancient origins of the Norsemen and historical Norway, from the Stone Age, through the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman Iron Age to the famous Viking Age and its impact across Europe; discover the migrations, culture, kings, literature and sagas which combine to create modern identity, tracing ancestry back to the gods. This new book is the perfect companion to Norse Myths & Legends in the same series of beautiful Collector's Editions, and sits alongside the other great cultures of the early world.
Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction: authors, myths, tales and history without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new Introduction and a Glossary of Terms or lists of Ancient Leaders.
Gorgeous Collector's Edition. The period of the first Ancient Greek peoples, the Mycenaean civilization, from the 1700s BCE, through to the Greek Dark Ages and the rise of Classical Antiquity more than a thousand years later is one of profound significance for Western modes of thought. The first cities, works of art, the stories of Olympic Gods and heroic warriors in classical literature find their origins in the traditions of this era. This new book is the perfect companion to Greek Myths & Legends in the same series of beautiful Collector's Editions, and sits alongside the other great cultures of the early world.
Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction: authors, myths, tales and history without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new Introduction and a Glossary of Terms or lists of Ancient Leaders.
Do you believe in dragons? Said to originate from the library of eminent Victorian dragonologist Ernest Drake, this book imparts to readers the secrets of the ancient science of dragonology, bridging the gap between dragon legend and fact. The meticulous Dr. Drake assigns Latin names to various dragon species, ruminates on why dragons are able to speak, speculates on how they could fly, and explains the true purpose of their notorious hoarding habits. It includes a host of novelties, such as old letters, magic dust and dragon scales.
Discover the world's greatest myths and legends - from Greek mythology to Norse mythology - in this comprehensive guide.
What did Japanese mythology say about the beginning of the Universe? How did Oedipus become the classic tragic hero in Greek mythology? Who brought about the origin of death in Maori mythology? Combining vivid retellings of famous legends with over 1,000 illustrations of characters, famous artworks, and artefacts, Myths and Legends makes it easier than ever before to understand the stories that are central to every culture.
Delve into the well-known tales of the ancient Greeks, which hold the key to such phrases as "Achilles' heel", as well as the lesser-known but richly colourful myths of Africa and the Americas. Explore global ideas such as fate and fortune, and the Underworld, and find out about the key characters - heroes, tricksters, and gods - that make up each myth system. Filled with the cultural and religious meanings behind each legend, and the influence they have had both in their own time and in today's world, this book is a must-have for all mythology enthusiasts.
""Klechdy, starożytne podania i powieści ludu polskiego i Rusi"" to zbiór podań i legend ludowych, zebranych w XIX wieku przez Kazimierza Władysława Wójcickiego. Autor zabiera nas w świat chłopskiej wyobraźni, pełen magii, cudów, niezwykłych przygód, dziwaczności i krwawej makabry. Książka składa się z dwóch części - w pierwszej znajdziemy teksty zawarte w trzecim, uznawanym za wzorcowe, wydaniu najsłynniejszego z dzieł autora z 1876 roku, zatytułowanego ""Klechdy. Starożytne podania i powieści ludowe"". Drugą część stanowią baśniowo-gawędziarskie opowiadania Wójcickiego, publikowane w różnorakich zbiorach i periodykach. Całość zilustrowana została oryginalnymi rysunkami i drzeworytami z epoki, pochodzącymi m.in. z wydania jubileuszowego z 1876 roku oraz z różnych wydań książkowych z połowy XIX w. oraz z czasopisma ""Kłosy"" z lat 1865-1876. Wśród autorów ilustracji są np. Michał Elwiro Andriolli, Wojciech Gerson, Ksawery Pillati, Franciszek Kostrzewski, Feliks Sypniewski. Dzieło Wójcickiego ukazało się po raz pierwszy w 1837 roku, za życia autora miało trzy wydania w Polsce, doczekało się także przekładów na niemiecki, czeski i rosyjski.
Goddesses and mortals, warriors and muses, women are at the heart of ancient Greek folklore, but their stories have long been eclipsed by those of men. Heroines of Olympus tells the tales of fifty of these enthralling women, including majestic Athena, goddess of war; vengeful Nemesis, goddess of retribution; and gladiatorial Hippolyta, queen of the Amazon.
With beautifully written retellings of Greek myths and a fascinating dive into their place in history, alongside exquisite illustrations, celebrate the dazzling and diverse heroines of ancient Greece.
Woven through all these tales are the unique histories and mythologies of the regions of Southern Italy, encompassing Sicily, Calabria, Cantania, Basilicata, Apulia and Campania. Theocritus, Virgil and Ovid evoke a Sicily populated by Cyclopes and sea monsters, while in an excerpt from The Smile of the Unknown Mariner Vincenzo Consolo depicts the island in 1860, on the frontline in Italy's war of independence. The South's legendary legacy of brigandage and organized crime enlivens the stories of Leonardo Sciascia, Carlo Levi and Joseph Conrad. Curzio Malaparte and Norman Lewis immortalize the wreckage of Naples and the indomitable spirit of its people during World War II, and Elena Ferrante paints a spectacular portrait of a poor but vibrant Neapolitan neighbourhood in an excerpt from the bestselling My Brilliant Friend. Collectively, these entertaining tales plunge readers into the sometimes harsh and troubled, but always seductive and vital world of Italy's Mezzogiorno
The much-loved Mythic Tarot deck has enjoyed international success and become a collector's classic. The card illustrations depict the archetypal characters of the Greek myths, whose experiences perfectly reflect the deeper patterns of our lives today.
For The New Mythic Tarot, these myths have been beautifully re-illustrated by Giovanni Caselli, a tarot artist with a passion for the classical world.
Enter the haunted world of Ancient Japan in this spine-tingling collection of ghostly tales told and retold across the centuries.
From Goblin infested caves and haunted Tombs, to vengeful spirits and strange, sinister happenings, Ancient Japan was a country and culture that lived with between realms: the world of everyday and the world of supernatural.
It was a time and place where men could be brought down by karmic forces or lured into deadly danger by ghostly apparitions, and where the land held sorrowful secrets or stories that long-awaited an opportunity to reveal them and seek reparation.
The Snow Ghost and Other Tales brings together some of the best and scariest tales that endured across centuries of folk lore in one new beautiful hardback collection. Finally commited to writing during the turn of the twenieth cenutry by a unique set of folklorists, the ghost stories presented in this new anthology will transport readers to a time of magic and mystery, and let them relish in the spine-tingling traditions of Japanese culture largely lost now to modernity.
For readers of Haruki Murakami, David Mitchell and Shirley Jackson
Gorgeous Collector's Edition which brings to life the culture of one of the great founding civilisations. Companion volume to Egyptian Myths & Legends in the same series, this title brings to life the beginnings of human experience, the irrigation of the Nile, the origins of hieroglyphics in demarcation of land and water resources as the first people of North Africa gathered around the Nile to create one of the greatest and most enduring civilisations, one that fascinated the later titans of Antiquity, the Greeks and Romans. From these lands come the pyramids, the statues and the great Kings such as Khufu (reigning 2589–2566 BC), Hatshepsut (reigning 1478–1458 BC), Amenhotep III (reigning 1388–1351 BC), Akhenaten (reigning 1351–1334 BC), Tutankhamun (reigning 1332–1323 BC) and Ramses II (reigning 1279–1213 BC).
Character-forming moral fables, Viking and Nordic folk and fairy tales take the magic of the natural world and combine it with the practical common sense of the everyday. Good folk are rewarded for their hard work, the honest and the faithful are valued by the gods: treasured tales from Hans Christian Andersen, such as 'The Little Match Girl', and less well known stories such as 'Katie Woodencloak' (a Norwegian Version of Cinderella) by Asbjørnsen & Moe are some of the heartwarming pieces in this new selection for the modern reader.
Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.
Gorgeous Collector's Edition. From the legends of Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya and all the gods of Asgard come the 'The Treasure of the Dwarf King', 'Ragnarok' and many other thrilling tales of the Vikings and their Norse gods fighting a constant battle with nature. Their landscape, with its stark mountains and long nights, created a particularly robust mythology, with profound contrasts and unforgettable heroes, great gods who leap out from the movies, streaming services and comics, to great fiction and epic poetry. This fabulous new book offers all the main stories with an introduction to the characters and the land that inspired them.
Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.
Gorgeous Collector's Edition. Legends of the Sea, Bells, Mirrors and Tea, Japanese mythology is delightful and enigmatic, full of spirits, gods and legendary creatures. It draws on Buddhist and Shinto traditions to explain the nature of the world of the island of Japan, the mystical Mount Fuji and the heavenly status of the long line of emperors. The warrior class of the imperial court, and the natural spirits of the countryside represent parallel and interdependent aspects of Japanese society, explored through ancient legend and folklore.
Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.
Gorgeous Collector's Edition. From the birth of Zeus, to Prometheus, Pandora and Helen of Troy, Odysseus and Jason and the Argonauts, the myths of the Greeks and, later, the Romans, are passionate and powerfully told. The Gods are jealous of each other's powers, subject to mighty outbursts of love and always seeking vengeance. The dark forces of the ancient world were held at bay by the resourceful and emerging civilization that formed the basis of Western culture, providing a tradition of fabulous tales that are retold here.
Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.
Japan's mythology is alive with gods, spirits and monsters. It draws on Buddhist and Shinto traditions to explain the nature of the world of the island of Japan, and the heavenly status of the long line of emperors. The warrior class of the imperial court, and the natural spirits of the countryside represent parallel and interdependent aspects of Japanese society, explored through ancient legend and folklore in this fascinating new book in the Flame Tree Myths and Legend series.
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