Language Hub to nowy sześciopoziomowy (A1C1) i elastyczny kurs języka angielskiego dla dorosłych. Materiał został starannie przemyślany i dobrany pod względem stopnia trudności, tak aby rozwijać cztery podstawowe sprawności językowe, ze szczególnym naciskiem na skuteczną komunikację. W każdym rozdziale znajduje się duża ilość zadań rozwijających mówienie w pełni zintegrowanych z lekcjami gramatycznymi, leksykalnymi oraz poświęconymi słuchaniu i czytaniu. Zadania zawarte w podręczniku zwiększają motywację i pewność siebie studentów oraz dostarczają im wiele okazji do aktywnego ćwiczenia zdobytych umiejętności.Kurs wyróżnia bogata i nowoczesna obudowa, dostępne materiały wideo i cyfrowe. Lekcje oparte na bazie serii satyrycznych filmów Cafe Hub pomagają zaprezentować wykorzystanie poznanego języka funkcjonalnego w realistycznych i życiowych sytuacjach. Studenci mogą również pracować na autentycznych filmach poruszających ciekawe, współczesne tematy z takich źródeł jak np. The Guardian. Stworzone zostały także dedykowane aplikacje mobilne dla studentów i nauczycieli.Kurs Language Hub umożliwia lektorom łatwe przygotowanie interesujących i motywujących zajęć. Książka nauczyciela zawiera odpowiedzi do zadań, inspirujące wskazówki i pomysły na dodatkowe aktywności. Sekcje Methodology Hub to szczególnie przydatna pomoc zarówno dla początkujących, jak i doświadczonych nauczycieli języka obcego.
Bugs Team to nowa seria podręczników dla uczniów klas 03, przygotowana zgodnie z wymogami nowej podstawy programowej. Zawiera wszystko to, za co uwielbiany był kurs Bugs World są tutaj znani bohaterowie, najlepsze historyjki oraz ukochane piosenki, dodatkowo przygotowane w specjalnej formie guided singing umożliwiającej śpiewanie z przewodnikiem.Seria Bugs Team kładzie szczególny nacisk na naukę angielskich słów i zwrotów, które wprowadzane są w przyjemny sposób i umożliwiają konstruowanie krótkich, samodzielnych wypowiedzi, a zabawne łamańce językowe pozwalają ćwiczyć prawidłową wymowę. Bugs Team umożliwia również rozwijanie umiejętności językowych poprzez słuchanie zabawnych historyjek, które można odgrywać w klasie, oraz umiejętności pozajęzykowych: kojarzenie, porównywanie, klasyfikowanie, zdobywanie wiedzy o świecie i kulturze, a także naukę postaw prospołecznych, bezpiecznych zachowań i pracy zespołowej wyszczególnionych w wymaganiach nowej podstawy.
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching.Active, whole-class learning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs.
Academy Stars to nowy, siedmiopoziomowy kurs dla uczniów w wieku 6–13 lat, kładący nacisk na rzetelne i systematyczne rozwijanie zarówno umiejętności językowych i komunikacyjnych, jak i pozajęzykowych. Doskonale przemyślana struktura stopniowego wprowadzania treści pozwala uczniom w sposób świadomy poszerzać wiedzę językową i udoskonalać umiejętności językowe, społeczne i poznawcze. Istotnym elementem metodycznym kursu jest silna kontekstualizacja wprowadzanych treści - zarówno słownictwa, jak i struktur gramatycznych. Academy Stars wyróżnia także ogromna różnorodność zamieszczonych w nim tekstów - od użytkowych (takich jak np. blog), przez scenariusze, do dłuższych opowiadań, a nawet wierszy.
Bugs Team Starter to pierwsza część, nowego, czteropoziomowego kursu dla klas 0-3. Poziom Starter przeznaczony jest dla zerówek i stanowi idealne wprowadzenie do nauki języka angielskiego w szkole podstawowej.Książka ucznia to zbiór kolorowych kart pracy, które pełne są różnorodnych zadań typu: kolorowanie, wycinanie, dopasowywanie, czy rysowanie. Zawiera także uwielbiane przez dzieci naklejki oraz karty do wypychania.Bugs Team Starter spełnia wymagania podstawy programowej dla przedszkoli, która zakłada: uczestniczenie w zabawach - muzycznych, ruchowych i plastycznych, rozumienie poleceń i reagowanie na nie, powtarzanie rymowanek i śpiewanie piosenek oraz rozumienie ogólnego sensu krótkich historyjek obrazkowych. Dodatkowo, realizuje również nowe wymagania dla zerówek, czyli znajomość cyfr i liczenie do 10 oraz przygotowanie do pisania. Sympatyczni bohaterowie kursu uczą także pracy w grupie oraz pomagają rozwijać u dzieci postawę prospołeczną. Nagrania audio są do pobrania z naszej Strefy ucznia Bezpłatne materiały cyfrowe dla nauczyciela dostępne wkrótce w serwisie Macmillan Online Staffroom Maskotki przedstawiające wybranych bohaterów do serii do kupienia na
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake is the runaway TikTok must-read fantasy novel of the year. If you loved Ninth House and A Deadly Education, you’ll love this.
Originally a self-published sensation, this edition has been fully edited and revised, including gorgeous new illustrations.
Secrets. Betrayal. Seduction.
Welcome to the Alexandrian Society.
When the world’s best magicians are offered an extraordinary opportunity, saying yes is easy. Each could join the secretive Alexandrian Society, whose custodians guard lost knowledge from ancient civilizations. Their members enjoy a lifetime of power and prestige. Yet each decade, only six practitioners are invited – to fill five places.
Contenders Libby Rhodes and Nico de Varona are inseparable enemies, cosmologists who can control matter with their minds. Parisa Kamali is a telepath, who sees the mind’s deepest secrets. Reina Mori is a naturalist who can perceive and understand the flow of life itself. And Callum Nova is an empath, who can manipulate the desires of others. Finally there’s Tristan Caine, whose powers mystify even himself.
Following recruitment by the mysterious Atlas Blakely, they travel to the Society’s London headquarters. Here, each must study and innovate within esoteric subject areas. And if they can prove themselves, over the course of a year, they’ll survive. Most of them.
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.
One of BBC's 100 Novels That Shaped Our World. Frankenstein is the most famous novel by Mary Shelley: a dark parable of science misused.
Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. The novel is presented here in its original form and with an afterword by David Pinching.
Victor Frankenstein, a brilliant but wayward scientist, builds a human from dead flesh. Horrified at what he has done, he abandons his creation. The hideous creature learns language and becomes civilized but society rejects him. Spurned, he seeks vengeance on his creator. So begins a cycle of destruction, with Frankenstein and his 'monster' pursuing each other to the extremes of nature until all vestiges of their humanity are lost. In 1831, Mary Shelley succumbed to conservative pressures and toned down elements of the work.
Inspired by his experiences as a reporter during the Spanish Civil War, Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls tells the story of Robert Jordan, an American volunteer in the International Brigades fighting to defend the Spanish Republic against Franco. After being ordered to work with guerrilla fighters to destroy a bridge, Jordan finds himself falling in love with a young Spanish woman and clashing with the guerrilla leader over the risks of their mission.
One of the great novels of the twentieth century, For Whom the Bell Tolls was first published in 1940. It powerfully explores the brutality of war, the loss of innocence and the value of human life.
This stunning edition features an afterword by Ned Halley.
Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Now a major motion picture starring Timothée Chalamet, Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson and Meryl Streep.
Recognized as one of the best-loved classic children's stories of all time, Little Women is an utterly beguiling novel.
Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition includes the sequel, Good Wives, which picks up the girls' stories three years on, and features an afterword by publisher Anna South.
Louisa May Alcott tells the story of the courageous and ingenious March sisters; Jo, the independent tomboy; Beth, who is delicate and loving; pretty and kind Meg; and beautiful, precocious Amy, the baby of the family. Their devoted mother Marmee, recently impoverished, must care for them alone whilst their father is away serving as a chaplain in the Civil War.
Only one person knows what really happened to Amy, other than Amy herself. He is Tyler James, Amy’s best friend from the age of thirteen. They met at stage school as two insecure outsiders, formed an instant connection and lived together from their late teenage years right up until the day she died, aged just twenty-seven.
Tyler was there by her side through it all. From their carefree early years touring together to the creation of the multiple Grammy-winning Back To Black, which she wrote on their kitchen floor. From her volatile marriage to Blake Fielder-Civil through her escalating addictions, self-harm and eating disorders as the toxic nature of fame warped Amy’s reality. For the last three years of her life, Tyler was with her every day when she’d beaten drugs and was close to beating alcoholism too. He also knew better than anyone the real Amy Winehouse who the tabloid-reading public rarely saw – the hilarious, uncompromising force-of-nature busy taking care of everyone else.
We all think we know what happened to Amy Winehouse, but we don’t. This definitive insider’s story tells us all, finally, the truth.
Hear me out. Does this sound like you?
You end a team meeting and can’t recall a single thing that was said.
You leave a conversation with a friend feeling disconnected and unfulfilled.
You think you and your boss are on the same page, only to find out you haven’t been meeting expectations.
Fortunately, listening, like any communication skill, can be improved, and Ximena Vengoechea can show you how. As a user researcher, she has spent nearly a decade facilitating hundreds of conversations at LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest. It’s her job to uncover the truth behind how people use, and really think about, her company’s products. In Listen Like You Mean It, she reveals the tips and tricks of the trade, including:
– How to quickly build rapport with strangers
– Which questions help people unlock what they need to say
– When it’s time to throw out the script entirely
– How to recover from listener’s drain
They’ll search the world to find her.
From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley, The Missing Sister is the seventh instalment in the multimillion-copy epic series The Seven Sisters.
'I’ve loved the Seven Sisters from the get-go and this latest in the series is just as great as the rest . . . As ever there’s a brilliant historical subplot' - Daily Mail
The six D’Aplièse sisters have each been on their own incredible journey to discover their heritage, but they still have one question left unanswered: who and where is the seventh sister?
They only have one clue – an image of a star-shaped emerald ring. The search to find the missing sister will take them across the globe – from New Zealand to Canada, England, France and Ireland – uniting them all in their mission to complete their family at last.
In doing so, they will slowly unearth a story of love, strength and sacrifice that began almost one hundred years ago, as other brave young women risk everything to change the world around them.
'The Seven Sisters series is heart-wrenching, uplifting and utterly enthralling'
Lucy Foley
'Well researched and compelling … on an epic scale' Sunday Express
'There’s something magical about these stories' Prima
'Addictive storytelling' Woman & Home
'A masterclass in beautiful writing' The Sun
From Kim Scott, author of the revolutionary New York Times bestseller Radical Candor, comes Just Work: Get it Done, Fast and Fair – how we can recognize, attack and eliminate workplace injustice – and transform our careers and organizations in the process.
We – all of us – consistently exclude, underestimate and under-utilize huge numbers of people in the workforce even as we include, overestimate and promote others, often beyond their level of competence. Not only is this immoral and unjust, it’s bad for business. Just Work is the solution.
Just Work is Kim Scott’s new book, revealing a practical framework for both respecting everyone’s individuality and collaborating effectively. This is the essential guide leaders and their employees need to create more just workplaces and establish new norms of collaboration and respect.
Meet the human boy Mowgli, the sleek panther Bagheera, the 'sleepy brown bear' Baloo, and the conniving tiger Shere Khan in one of the world's best-loved books.
Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This collector's edition includes the original illustrations of Rudyard's father J. Lockwood Kipling as well as an afterword by writer and editor David Stuart Davies.
A collection of short stories and poems centred on the charming cast, The Jungle Book not only follows Mowgli's journey to learn the Law of the Jungle from his animal companions but also introduces some of its other wonderful inhabitants in stories such as 'Rikki-Tikki-Tavi' and 'The White Seal'.
The global icon, award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, actress, mother, daughter, sister, storyteller, and artist finally tells the unfiltered story of her life in The Meaning of Mariah Carey.
It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments - the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that contributed to the person I am today. Though there have been countless stories about me throughout my career and very public personal life, it’s been impossible to communicate the complexities and depths of my experience in any single magazine article or a ten-minute television interview. And even then, my words were filtered through someone else’s lens, largely satisfying someone else’s assignment to define me.
This book is composed of my memories, my mishaps, my struggles, my survival and my songs. Unfiltered. I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice. I let the abandoned and ambitious adolescent have her say, and the betrayed and triumphant woman I became tell her side.
Writing this memoir was incredibly hard, humbling and healing. My sincere hope is that you are moved to a new understanding, not only about me, but also about the resilience of the human spirit.
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