KATEGORIE [rozwiń]

Wydawnictwo Favoriten Presse

Opakowanie The Voynich Manuscript

199,00 zł 161,09 zł

The most mysterious art book in the world. The Voynich Manuscript (named after Wilfrid Michael Voynich, who acquired the manuscript in 1912) is a handwritten medieval document that is said to have once been in the possession of Rudolf II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The subject matter of the manuscript is still a mystery. It contains floral and anatomical as well as cosmological, biological and pharamceutical sections with wonderful illustrations. It's geographical origin cannot be assigned beyond doubt. The writing is even more of a mystery: since its discovery in 1912, no one has succeeded in deciphering the text. Our book shows the entire surviving manuscript. Its beauty can be rediscovered with the help of numerous detailed illustrations and close-ups.
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