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Boyd William

Okładka książki The Romantic

76,00 zł 61,52 zł

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From one of Britain's best-loved and bestselling writers comes an intimate yet panoramic novel about the tumult and unexpected nature of life, set in the 19th century A new "whole life" novel from William Boyd, the author of Any Human Heart. Set in the 19th century, the novel follows the roller-coaster fortunes of a man as he tries to negotiate the random stages, adventures and vicissitudes of his life. He is variously a soldier, a farmer, a pawnbroker, a bankrupt, a jailbird, a writer, a gigolo - and many other manifestations - and, finally, a minor diplomat, based in Trieste (then in Austria-Hungary) where he sees out the end of his days.
Okładka książki Trio

51,00 zł 41,28 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

A producer. A novelist. An actress. It is summer in 1968, the year of the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. While the world is reeling our trio is involved in making a rackety Swingin' Sixties British movie in sunny Brighton. All are leading secret lives. As the film is shot, with its usual drastic ups and downs, so does our trio's private, secret world begin to take over their public one. Pressures build inexorably - someone's going to crack. Or maybe they all will. From one of Britain's best loved writers comes an exhilarating, tender novel that asks the vital questions: what makes life worth living? And what do you do if you find it isn't?
Okładka książki Love is Blind

43,00 zł 23,65 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

This is William Boyd's sweeping, heart-stopping new novel. Set at the end of the 19th century, it follows the fortunes of Brodie Moncur, a young Scottish musician, about to embark on the story of his life. When Brodie is offered a job in Paris, he seizes the chance to flee Edinburgh and his tyrannical clergyman father, and begin a wildly different new chapter in his life. In Paris, a fateful encounter with a famous pianist irrevocably changes his future - and sparks an obsessive love affair with a beautiful Russian soprano, Lika Blum. Moving from Paris to St Petersburg to Edinburgh and back again, Brodie's love for Lika and its dangerous consequences pursue him around Europe and beyond, during an era of overwhelming change as the nineteenth century becomes the twentieth. Love is Blind is a tale of dizzying passion and brutal revenge; of artistic endeavour and the illusions it creates; of all the possibilities that life can offer, and how cruelly they can be snatched away. At once an intimate portrait of one man's life and an expansive exploration of the beginning of the twentieth century, Love is Blind is a masterly new novel from one of Britain's best loved storytellers.
Okładka książki The Dreams of Bethany Mellmot

45,78 zł 25,17 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

A philandering art dealer tries to give up casual love affairs - seeking only stolen kisses as a substitute. A man recounts his personal history through the things he has stolen from others throughout his life. A couple chart the journey of their five year relationship backwards, from awkward reunion to lovelorn first encounter. And, at the heart of the book, a 24-year old young woman, Bethany Mellmoth, embarks on a year-long journey of wishful and tentative self-discovery.
Okładka książki Bez wytchnienia

29,90 zł 18,44 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Stylowy i zaskakujący romans szpiegowski. Lato 1976 roku w Anglii zapowiada się wyjątkowo upalnie. Ruth Gilmartin, matka samotnie wychowująca kilkuletniego synka, udziela obcokrajowcom prywatnych lekcji angielskiego, zmaga się z pogmatwanym życiem uczuciowym, próbuje znaleźć czas na dokończenie pracy doktorskiej na uniwersytecie w Oksfordzie. Od jakiegoś czasu niepokoi ją zachowanie matki, ekscentrycznej wdowy mieszkającej w wiejskim domu na odludziu. Wielostronicowy, pokreślony rękopis, który Sally Gilmartin przekazuje córce, ujawnia dotąd pilnie przez nią strzeżony niewiarygodny sekret. Matka Ruth nie jest rodowitą Brytyjką, lecz Rosjanką, która po rewolucji bolszewickiej wyemigrowała z ojcem i bratem do Paryża, a tuż przed wybuchem drugiej wojny światowej została zwerbowana przez brytyjskie służby wywiadowcze. Ujawnienie prawdziwej tożsamości matki to dopiero początek intrygi, w którą zostaje wplątana Ruth, gdy uświadamia sobie, że obawy Sally o jej bezpieczeństwo są niebezpodstawne.
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