Classic superbikes are at the pinnacle of two-wheeled production engineering. Designed for adrenalin-inducing speed, breath-taking handling and head-turning good looks, these superb machines are the most glamorous and desirable bikes on the road. Classic Superbikes represents a fresh and informative approach to the subject. In handy pocket-sized form it chronicles 75 of the world’s greatest machines, from the earliest superbikes such as the Honda CBX 1000 and Suzuki RG500, to the Yamaha YZF R-1 and Ducati 996 SPS. Each of the 75 bikes in the book is examined in great detail over four pages. Stunning cut-out photography from a variety of angles and detailed annotations describe the motorcycle’s special features, while lively text explores the history of the bike and aspects of its design. For the real enthusiast there is a comprehensive specification box containing fact and figures, from engine size and tyre measurements to top speed, weight, power output and gearbox.
Can cats really be accessories to a planned prison break? Yes. In 2013, a cat was found walking into the grounds of a Brazilian prison with saws and drill bits strapped to its belly. Can cats terrorise humans? Yes. In 2012, a couple in Seattle had to call the Police after their violent pet cat cornered them in their bedroom. And when is a cat also a mule? When it’s a drug mule. These, and many more, are true stories included in the Purrlitzer Prize-winning Cats Gone Bad. Each spread features a photograph or photomontage of an erring feline, such as squeezed into a fridge tucking into its contents, chewing its way through your wardrobe or in its element dressed as a cat burglar. Along with amusing text to accompany the image, there is also a paragraph on real-life cats caught in the act – the kind of cats who run away when they see a rat, are scared of mice, and steal so many of your neighbours’ possessions that you have to have a reverse garage sale to give them all back again. Featuring a colour photo or photomontage of each feline felon, Cats Gone Bad is a fun book of 45 funny images and quirky real-life cases.
Plato dismissed Greek mythology as ‘old wives’ chatter’ but such chatter, from the Minotaur to the Trojan Horse, from Zeus to Prometheus, Heracles to the Argonauts, has been of immense influence for thousands of years. Those tales of deities and beasts, and of heroes and villains, must have possessed some quality to have lasted so long. Thousands of years on, we still refer in our every day lives to Achilles, Pandora and Narcissus. From Hades in the Underworld to Pegasus in flight, Greek Myths & Legends is an accessible introduction to the world of such characters as the Titans, Aphrodite and Poseidon. The book tells the story of Greek mythology from its creation myths and gods to its tales of mortals. Along the way we see the development of the pantheon of the major Greek deities, the dynastic struggles among the early gods, the creation of the Underworld and we learn how Ariadne, Medea and Perseus, among many others, fit into the mythic universe. The book also examines how Greek myths have survived in written texts, ceramics, art and architecture, and the legacy of Greek mythology in Roman culture and the Middle Ages, as well as its revival in the Renaissance and its enduring appeal today. Illustrated with 180 colour and black-&-white photographs, artworks and maps, Greek Myths & Legends is an engaging, highly informative exploration of a fascinating world and will appeal to anyone interested in legends and ancient cultures.
Discover how the individual parts of the human body function in this anatomy book with a difference, and learn about the body through colouring in. Organised by body area and system, each page includes a detailed colour artwork alongside an identical, annotated line drawing, showing the elements of the featured body part. Following the detailed artworks, students can colour in the line drawings, learning about the different bones in the skull, the respiratory system, blood circulation, the workings of the heart – and every other body system – as they colour. By colouring, students absorb the information more effectively and learn more thoroughly. The book features 215 scientifically precise colour artworks accompanied by 215 highly accurate line drawings, organised by body area: head, neck, thorax, upper limbs, abdomen, reproductive system, pelvis, lower limbs and whole body systems. Human Body Colouring Book is a fun and effective way to learn about human physiology.
Symbols are all around us – some mysterious, some timeless, some arcane and some prosaic. But what are their origins? What does the infinity symbol really signify? Do you understand yin and yang? And why is the swastika really a good luck sign?
This enticing gift book explores the world of classic symbols and signs, revealing the deep meaning and often quirky history behind each one. From the ouroboros and the ankh to the menorah, caduceus and astrological signs, the book ranges widely across the world’s most recognized symbols.
With one symbol per page, accompanied by an explanation and history, and printed on high quality paper with a special binding, Classic Symbols is a unique and attractive book that will appeal to a broad range of readers, both as a gift and as a source for tattoo designs and other creative projects.
No understanding of Chinese civilization is possible without a grasp of Taoism, the philosophy that has shaped not just Chinese spirituality but also art, science and politics. And it was in the Tao Te Ching, written around 300BC, that the fundamental beliefs of Taoism were first gathered. This short, wise but very humble book went on to influence on philosophy, religion and politics. In a compellingly simple rhetorical style the book addresses how to live a simple, peaceful and harmonious life, how to rid oneself of desires and free society of institutions that promote greed. This dual-language edition of Tao Te Ching presents the original Chinese characters with a new translation on the facing page, and is illustrated throughout to make an attractive gift edition in traditional Chinese hand binding. With a new introduction that discusses the questioned authorship of the text and editorial notes, all 81 brief chapters are included, ranging from advice for politicians to wise words for the everyday person. Of immense influence across millennia, Tao Te Ching Illustratedis a classic text richly deserving this exquisite edition.
Written by a former SAS Survival Instructor, SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence provides easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions on coping with all kinds of threatening situations, from muggings to knife attacks. The author teaches you strategies for both avoiding conflict and getting out of a dangerous situation quickly and safely.
Learn how mental attitude, body language, assertiveness, and the ability to overcome fear can prevent you from becoming a prime target for criminals. Learn which parts of the body are the most effective weapons in fending off an attacker, and which are the most likely targets for attack. Defend yourself from sudden grabs, strangles, weapons, and road rage. And find out how to deliver the SAS five-second knockout, a defence previously available only to British SAS Special Forces soldiers.
Illustrated with black-and-white photographs and instructive artworks and including expert advice throughout, SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence is a comprehensive guide to self-defence for both men and women.
Gaining insight into our deeper selves through the use of divination tools to help decide future actions has preoccupied mankind since ancient times. In Europe, cards which became known as Tarot have been used to map the soul and predict the future since the 16th century. The 78 cards in the Tarot deck each has its own imagery, symbolism and story. This beautiful hand-bound edition showcases each card from the Rider-Waite set, the one most commonly used by Tarot readers. Practitioners believe that the 22 Major Arcana cards represent life’s karmic and spiritual lessons, and the 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Tarot offers an elegantly presented, concise guide to the 78 cards, from number 0, The Fool – who represents unlimited potential, through The Hermit – who represents a break from everyday life, to number 21, The World – which indicates a sense of wholeness, completion and fulfilment.
In Catholicism, sainthood is the highest state of holiness any mortal can achieve during this life – or the next. There are more than 10,000 official saints – some are exemplary models, others extraordinary teachers, while some have worked miracles or changed the lives of millions through their guidance and good works.
Arranged in chronological order, the book covers all the major saints, from St Paul, the Apostle who did most to spread Christianity following the death of Christ, and established Christian communities in Asia Minor – to Pope John Paul II, famous for being a peacemaker and providing spiritual inspiration during the fall of communism. In between, this compact volume covers well-known historical figures such as Joan of Arc, who defended the honour of France in the Medieval era, the philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas, and lesser-known saints such as Zita, the 13th century patron saint of maids and domestic servants.
Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding and with 150 illustrations and artworks
of saints from every part of the world, this book will fascinate anyone interested in inspiring – and often very human – religious figures from Biblical times to the present.
Ancient Egyptians imagined the afterlife as a kind of journey you had to make to get to paradise – but it was quite a hazardous journey so you would need help along the way. So spells and magic formulas written on papyrus were placed in coffins and burial chambers and believed to protect and aid the deceased in duat, or the underworld. These funerary texts were developed over many centuries into individualized collections known as the Book of the Dead. One of the best-known versions, the ‘Papyrus of Ani’, is featured here.
Some 192 spells are known, although no single manuscript contains them all. The spells are designed to give the dead mystical knowledge in the afterlife, offer incantations to help preserve different parts of the deceased, and protect the dead from hostile forces. Some of the spells are to make sure you can control your own body after death. The ancient Egyptians believed that a person was made up of different elements: body, spirit, name, heart, all embodiments of a person, and they were afraid that these elements would disperse when you died.
Presented in a high-quality Chinese-bound format with accompanying illustrations, Egyptian Book of the Dead is an ideal resource of esoteric wisdom for anyone interested in Ancient Egyptian notions of death and the path to the afterlife.
Written around 1645, Miyamoto Musashi’s Five Rings is a classic Japanese work on mastery in swordsmanship, leadership and conflict. Musashi was a swordsman, philosopher and strategist, and today his work remains of influence not only in the realm of martial arts but in the business world, too. Musashi’s no-nonsense approach to the martial arts and combat includes eliminating technical flourishes, understanding that technique should simply be understood as defeating your opponent, and appreciating that the same qualities apply in both small- scale and large-scale conflicts. Repeatedly, he stresses the importance of learning through practice, rather than merely reading about them. Produced in a handy pocket format, Five Rings is presented in an illustrated pocket edition with a modern translation.
Written in the 6th century BC, Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is still used as a book of military strategy today. Napoleon, Mae Zedong and Douglas MacArthur all claimed to have drawn inspiration from it. And beyond the world of war, modern-era business and management gurus have also applied Sun Tzu’s ideas to politics and corporate strategy. This pocket illustrated dual-language edition not only presents the original Chinese characters with James Trapp’s translation on the facing page, it also tests Sun Tzu’s ideas against history. Each of the 13 chapters includes a new commentary giving examples of how Sun Tzu’s wisdom has been borne out on the world’s battlefields. When, for example, has information provided by spies changed the course of a battle? How has history shown Sun Tzu’s ideas on the importance of terrain in conflict to be true? And where can we best find examples of strategic warfare being waged? From the ancient world to the 20th century, the battles featured will be illustrated with colour battle maps, paintings and artworks. Of immense influence to leaders across millennia, The Art of War is a classic text richly deserving this illustrated and expanded dual-language mini edition.
Written around 1645, Miyamoto Musashi’s Five Rings is a classic Japanese work on mastery in swordsmanship, leadership and conflict. Musashi was a swordsman, philosopher and strategist, and today his work remains of influence not only in the realm of martial arts but in the business world, too.
Musashi’s no-nonsense approach to the martial arts and combat includes eliminating technical flourishes, understanding that technique should simply be understood as defeating your opponent, and appreciating that the same qualities apply in both small-scale and large-scale conflicts. Repeatedly, he stresses the importance of learning through practice, rather than mere theoretical learning.
Five Rings Illustrated is produced using beautiful traditional Chinese bookbinding techniques.
Written in the early 18th century by Samurai retainer Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure is the classic exposition of Bushido, the warrior code of the Samurai, divided into a collection of commentaries. Combining elements of both Zen Buddhism and Confucianism, Hagakure teaches a wisdom centered on loyalty, devotion, purity and selflessness, placing a strong emphasis on the notion of living in the present moment with a strong and clear mind. With a focus on living with honour and a willingness to die at any moment in service of a lord, Hagakure was a popular and widely-read guide to Samurai ethics for Japanese soldiers during World War II.
This illustrated edition offers hundreds of aphorisms from the original, covering topics as wide-ranging as how to avoid selfishness, the importance of paying respect to elders, teachers and parents, gaining self-knowledge through modestly and discipline, committing to a task no matter what the odds are, and how to achieve the state of a pure and uncomplicated mind.
Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding, Hagakure Illustrated is a classic collection of clearly expressed and entertaining sketches, stories and aphorisms reflecting on every aspect of life and death according to Bushido, the moral code of the Samurai.
Japanese Myths is an accessible, entertaining, and highly informative exploration of everything from the kami holy spirits venerated in Shinto religion to the divine origins of the Japanese imperial family.
Japanese Myths provides a clear, concise introduction to this fascinating if little-known world. Find out about Hachiman, the mighty god of war and the divine protector of Japan and its people. Marvel at Fujin, the god of the wind, a popular but terrifying demon—his bag of air is thought to move all the world’s winds, and he is a powerful force of nature alongside his brother, the thunder god Raijin. See Hotei, the “Laughing Buddha” and one of the most well-known symbols of Buddhism—rubbing his belly is said to bring good luck. And enjoy the myth of Shita-kiri Suzume, or “Toung-Cut Sparrow,” which explores the effects of greed, friendship, and jealousy.
Tigers is an outstanding collection of photographs in a pocket flexibound format showing these fearsome yet magnificent animals in action. Tigers are the largest big cats in the world and because of this, many cultures consider the tiger to be a symbol of strength, courage and dignity. They are featured in ancient mythology and folklore and continue to be depicted in modern films and literature. You’ll discover how tigers are adapted for hunting: A tiger’s paws and claws are one of its greatest weapons during the hunt. Strong, and powerful enough to kill prey with a swipe, the bones in their paws also have cord-like ligaments to buffer them from the impact of hitting prey at a full run. You’ll also learn many other fascinating facts, such as how each tiger is unique – did you know that no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes? Or that you can tell a tiger’s age by its nose? Young tigers have a pink nose which gradually darkens, turning orange, then a blackish-brown as it reaches maturity. With full captions explaining how these incredible animals hunt and feed, rear their young and survive in the wild, Tigers is a brilliant examination in 150 outstanding colour photographs of this beautiful animal.
Beaches, marshes, mangroves; cliffs, deserts, forests; bays, deltas, estuaries – coastlines take many different forms and are put to very different uses. From deserted beaches to busy ports, from pretty fishing villages to a surfers’ paradise, a salt marsh to a ship-breakers’ yard, Coast celebrates where the land meets the sea. From beautiful coastal paths to the shipwrecks left high and dry in the Aral Sea, from world famous locations such as Copacabana Beach in Brazil and Big Sur in California to the little explored coastlines of Yemen and Oman, from Algeria to Antarctica, the Amalfi Coast to the Dead Sea, the book celebrates a huge range in coastlines from all around the world. Including nature reserves and tourist resorts, rugged landscapes and desert island tranquility, fjords and fossils, eroding cliffs to whole towns lost to the waters, the book explores coastlines in all climates and conditions around the globe. Presented in a landscape format and with captions explaining the story behind each entry, Coast is a stunning collection of images and stories.
Featuring more than 200 intriguing images taken by space probes travelling billions of kilometres from Earth, The Solar System is an exhilarating exploration of the mysteries of our local planetary space.
Within the span of a human lifetime, our spacecraft have visited all eight planets of the Solar System, together with several dwarf planets, asteroids and comets. We have mapped the surface of Mercury and Venus in exquisite detail, landed rovers on Mars, placed orbiters around Jupiter and Saturn, and parachuted to the surface of Titan. Our emissaries have visited icy worlds five billion kilometres from home and continued onwards to reach interstellar space. The pictures and science returned by these intrepid travellers have transformed our understanding of the Solar System in which we live.
Travelling from the edge of our Solar System, through the Milky Way and to the outer edges of the observable universe, Deep Space is a spectacular photographic guide to galaxies, nebulae, supernova and clusters. Learn about the birth of stars in our own galaxy, planets beyond our own solar system, when they were first discovered and how we have managed to photograph these places.
Ranging from the Magellanic Clouds within the Milky Way to stellar life cycles, from other spiral galaxies such as the Andromeda Galaxy, to the Sombrero Galaxy, and from nebulae such as the Pillars of Creation to black and white dwarfs, this is accessibly written for the general reader to grasp the science and magnitude of deep space.
Featuring 200 outstanding images, Deep Space is an exhilarating journey to the outermost reaches of the Universe.
Can you spot the Big Dipper in the night sky? Or Orion’s Belt? Or Cassiopeia? Even in cities, and without the aid of a telescope, these are a few of the easier constellations to find. In fact, a great deal can be seen in the night sky with the naked eye – if you know what you’re looking for. Night Sky presents 200 colour photographs of stunning nocturnal vistas all visible to the naked eye. From the majesty of the Northern Lights (Aurora borealis) as seen from Norway or Canada, and the Southern Lights (Aurora australis) as seen from Australia, to seeing the clarity of the Milky Way over an Italian forest, from witnessing a lunar eclipse in Indonesia to charting the course of the International Space Station across the Indian night, and from seeing a Geminid meteor shower in New Mexico to recognizing the Great Bear (Ursa Major) constellation over New England, the book is a feast of nocturnal delights. Where necessary, additional inset photographs indicate the formation of a constellation. Presented in a landscape format and with 200 outstanding colour photographs supported by fascinating captions, Night Sky is a stunning collection of images.
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