Ksiądz – małżonek – ojciec. Po dwóch stronach rzeki
- ISBN: 978-83-8159-519-3
- EAN: 9788381595193
- Oprawa: miękka
- Wydawca: Poligraf
- Format: 205x145x4mm
- Język: polski
- Liczba stron: 66
- Rok wydania: 2021
- Wysyłamy w ciągu: niedostępny
Brak ocen
23,98złCena detaliczna: 40,01 złNajniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 23,98 zł
Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny
Andrzej Wilanowski-Sulikowski, ur. 29.07.1975 r. w Lipnie. Wykształcenie wyższe (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski praca magisterska z zakresu teologii, Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Koninie studia podyplomowe z zakresu profilaktyki społecznej i resocjalizacji, Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna studia doktoranckie z zakresu teologii). Prezes Oddziału Kuj.-Pom. Związku Piłsudczyków RP, kontynuator tradycji międzywojennej Oddziału II (Dwójki) Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego odpowiadającego za wywiad i kontrwywiad wojskowy oraz współzałożyciel ruchu społecznego Królestwo Polskie.
Żonaty, żona Rozalia i siedmioro dzieci: Adamina, Bronisława, Amelia, Zawisza, Łucja, Zawisza Gabriel, Zawisza Rafał. Debiutuje w działalności pisarskiej.
Dear Reader,
the book which you are holding in your hands has a simple structure: it consists of three chapters which present the world seen through the eyes of a priest, spouse and father (in one person). It is completed by a short epilogue of his wife and seven children whom they raised up. The genre of this book is non-fiction, hence the book tells the real-life story told by a person who experienced it. The novelty of this book is expressed in a positive presentation of a path followed by the main character, without any accusation. His situation and life choices can be seen rather as a challenge to the modern world, to the Pope and the College of Bishops, aimed at a thorough reform of the Catholic Church based on the most elementary principle of human being since the beginning of our existence living in accordance to our human nature.
Thank you for your interest.
Żonaty, żona Rozalia i siedmioro dzieci: Adamina, Bronisława, Amelia, Zawisza, Łucja, Zawisza Gabriel, Zawisza Rafał. Debiutuje w działalności pisarskiej.
Dear Reader,
the book which you are holding in your hands has a simple structure: it consists of three chapters which present the world seen through the eyes of a priest, spouse and father (in one person). It is completed by a short epilogue of his wife and seven children whom they raised up. The genre of this book is non-fiction, hence the book tells the real-life story told by a person who experienced it. The novelty of this book is expressed in a positive presentation of a path followed by the main character, without any accusation. His situation and life choices can be seen rather as a challenge to the modern world, to the Pope and the College of Bishops, aimed at a thorough reform of the Catholic Church based on the most elementary principle of human being since the beginning of our existence living in accordance to our human nature.
Thank you for your interest.