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Okładka książki Beautiful Country

58,00 zł 46,95 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK, OBAMA 2021 BOOK PICK and INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'Hunger was a constant, reliable friend in Mei Guo. She came second only to loneliness.' In China she was the daughter of professors. In Brooklyn her family is 'illegal.' Qian is just seven when she moves to America, the 'Beautiful Country', where she and her parents find that the roads of New York City are not paved with gold, but crushing fear and scarcity. Unable to speak English at first, Qian and her parents must work wherever they can to survive, all while she battles hunger and loneliness at school. Thus begins an extraordinary story that describes, in vivid colours, days labouring in sweatshops and sushi factories, nights scavenging the streets for furniture, and the terrifying moment when the family emerges from the shadows to seek emergency medical treatment for Qian's mother. Qian Julie Wang's memoir is an unforgettable account of what it means to live under the perpetual threat of deportation and the small joys and sheer determination that kept her family afloat in a new land. Told from a child's perspective, in a voice that is intimate, poignant and startlingly lyrical, Beautiful Country is the story of a girl who learns first to live - and then escape - an invisible life.
Okładka książki Rola Jana Wyhowskiego wojewody kijowskiego od utraty hetmaństwa do śmierci w latach 1659-1664

52,50 zł 42,50 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Rękopis Bohdana Murija, poświęcony ostatnim latom życia byłego hetmana kozackiego Jana Wyhowskiego, ukończony został w 1931 roku. Zarejestrowano go pod pozycją Lp. 123/31, 4 lipca 1931 roku. Było to ukoronowanie prac badawczych młodego historyka, ucznia profesora Stanisława Zakrzewskiego. Rękopis rozprawy doktorskiej Bohdana Murija sporządzony jest wyraźnym pismem, za pomocą długopisu, którego tusz mimo u pływu blisko stu lat nie wyblakł. Tekst pozyskany został w wyniku kwerendy archiwalnej w 2018 roku. Jest jednym z wielu dowodów unikalności badań prowadzonych na Uniwersytecie Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Szkoła profesora Stanisława Zakrzewskiego, choć nie przetrwała wojny, do dziś jest ważnym elementem polskiej kultury, tożsamości państwowej i narodowej. O Autorze: Bohdan Murij student, a następnie doktorant Uniwersytetu Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie, urodził się prawdopodobnie w Tarnopolu na początku XX wieku. Ustalono, że wielu jego krewnych mieszkało w tym mieście w drugiej połowie XIX wieku. Z zachowanych dokumentów opisujących stan nieruchomości w Tarnopolu można stwierdzić, że większość członków rodziny Murij była wyznania grekokatolickiego, a to dość jednoznacznie pozwala sądzić, że była to rodzina narodowości ukraińskiej. Jednocześnie część rodziny musiała się polonizować lub nawet zmienić wyznanie, skoro znajdują się informacje, że Józef Murij został decyzją wojewody tarnopolskiego Kazimierza Moszyńskiego w sierpniu 1931 roku przeniesiony ze starostwa powiatowego do Urzędu Wojewódzkiego jako referendarz w stanie spoczynku. Jest bardzo prawdopodobne, że Bohdan urodził się w rodzinie Piotra Murija i Stefanii z domu Serediuk. Oprócz syna małżeństwo to doczekało się jeszcze dwóch córek, Marii urodzonej 16 sierpnia 1926 roku i Hałyny, która urodziła się już w 1945 roku. W tym czasie rodzina znajdowała się na terenie III Rzeszy i trafi ła do amerykańskiej strefy okupacyjnej. W 1948 roku wyemigrowała do Kanady. Jedna z sióstr zmarła w 2005 roku, druga w 2011. O losach samego Bohdana Murija niewiele wiadomo. To, co nie budzi żadnej wątpliwości, to fakt, że napisał swój doktorat w języku polskim, piękną polszczyzną, unikając rusycyzmów czy jakichkolwiek naleciałości z języka ukraińskiego. I na pewno warto, by wzbogacił on współczesną historiografię.
Okładka książki A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man

79,00 zł 63,95 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Published in 1916 when Joyce was already at work on Ulysses, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is exactly what its title says and much more. In part a vivid picture of Joyce’s own youthful evolution into one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers, it is also a moment in the intellectual history of an age.
Okładka książki The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald F Scott

66,00 zł 53,43 zł

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Scott Fitzgerald was called the laureate of the Jazz Age. The Great Gatsby (1926) is a cynical celebration of the post-Great War Long Island/ New York world of get-rich-quick. The narrator, Nick Carraway, sympathetically records the pathos of Gatsby’s romantic dream which founders on the reality of corruption, the insulated selfishness of Tom and Daisy, and the cutting edge of violence. ‘His style sings of hope, his message is despair’, wrote Cyril Connolly. It is terse, spare, lucid, imperishable, a novel of compassion, wry wisdom and narrative verve.

75,00 zł 60,71 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Okładka książki The First Man - Penguin Books Ltd

49,00 zł 39,67 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

The First Man - Penguin Books Ltd
Okładka książki Raźnym krokiem do sukcesów po stopniach z kłód, jakie życie rzuca nam pod nogi

34,00 zł 23,44 zł

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Ktoś mądry powiedział: „Śmierć kończy wszystko, lecz nim do niej dojdzie, dokonać można dzieł wartościowych” – w jakim stopniu mi się to udaje, pozostawiam ocenie drogich Czytelników, którzy niewątpliwie spostrzegli, że uprawiam narcyzm; robię to z rozmysłem, dla utrzymywania doskonałego samopoczucia programującego podświadomość, gdyż to daje znakomite zdrowie – jakie mi dopisuje, w kierunku 100 + VAT – lat życia. Doktor Jerzy Alojzy Sikora urodził się w 1930 roku w Cieszynie. Jest absolwentem Wydziału Prawa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Ma szeroki wachlarz zainteresowań, szczególnie fascynuje go wiedza z pogranicza nauk empirycznych; uważa, że dla dobra ludzkości trzeba bezustannie przesuwać granice poznania. Jego program komputerowy – służący do sporządzenia wydruku rocznego biodiagramu, z wyprzedzeniem sygnalizujący dni, w które szczególnie grozi niepowodzenie, oraz wahania kondycji fizycznej, psychicznej i intelektualnej, a ponadto umożliwia ustalenie biopowinowactwa z partnerem – jest do ściągnięcia bezpłatnie z internetu.
Okładka książki A little annihilation

64,00 zł 36,56 zł

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June 1, 1943, Eastern Poland. Within just a few hours, the village of Sochy had ceased to exist. Buildings were burned. Residents shot. Among the survivors was nine-year-old Teresa Ferenc, who saw her family murdered by German soldiers, and would never forget what she witnessed the day she became an orphan. The horror of that event was etched into her very being and passed on to her daughter, author Anna Janko. A Little Annihilation bears witness to both the crime and its aftershocks—the trauma visited on the next generation—as revealed in a beautifully scripted and deeply personal mother-daughter dialogue. As she fathoms the full dimension of the tragedy, Janko reflects on memory and loss, the ethics of helplessness, and the lingering effects of war.
Okładka książki Free the Tipple

69,00 zł 55,86 zł

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This new edition of the wildly popular cocktail book features revised and updated texts and a bold new cover. Sixty of the world’s coolest and most influential women are the inspiration for this refreshing and fun collection of drink recipes that are sure to bring extra zest to your cocktail shaker. Free the Tipple pays tribute to a brilliant range of diverse women from the 20th century to today who have made waves in entertainment, the arts, politics, fashion, literature, sports, and science, including Frida Kahlo, Rihanna, Serena Williams, Virginia Woolf, Yoko Ono, Zaha Hadid, Marlene Dietrich, Zadie Smith, and more. Each double-page spread features a recipe crafted to reflect its namesake’s personality, style, or legacy. This ranges from The Gloria Steinem, which uses a complex liquor with a radical twist, to The Beyoncé, made, of course, with lemonade. The cocktails are simple to make, kitchen-tested, and incorporate easy-to find ingredients. Snappy, informative biographies, illustrated with vibrant portraits, offer revealing insights into the women's lives. This highly original guide to delicious beverages is a perfect gift for those in your life who encourage and inspire you.
Okładka książki Steppenwolf

49,00 zł 39,67 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

A modernist work of profound wisdom that continues to enthral readers with its subtle blend of Eastern mysticism and Western culture, the Penguin Modern Classics edition of Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf is revised by Walter Sorell from the original translation by Basil Creighton. At first sight Harry Haller seems a respectable, educated man. In reality he is the Steppenwolf: wild, strange, alienated from society and repulsed by the modern age. But as he is drawn into a series of dreamlike and sometimes savage encounters - accompanied by, among others, Mozart, Goethe and the bewitching Hermione - the misanthropic Haller discovers a higher truth, and the possibility of happiness. This blistering portrayal of a man who feels himself to be half-human and half-wolf was the bible of the 1960s counterculture, capturing the mood of a disaffected generation, and remains a haunting story of estrangement and redemption.
Okładka książki I'm Your Man

79,00 zł 63,95 zł

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The definitive biography of the late Leonard Cohen - singer-songwriter, musician, poet, and novelist. The genius behind such classic songs as Suzanne, So Long, Marianne, Bird on the Wire and Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen has been one of the most important and influential songwriters of our time, a man of spirituality, emotion, and intelligence whose work has explored the definitive issues of human life - sex, religion, power, meaning, love. I'm Your Man explores the facets of Cohen's life. Renowned music journalist Sylvie Simmons draws on Cohen's private archives and a wealth of interviews with many of his closest associates, colleagues, and other artists whose work he has inspired. Containing exclusive material and interviews, this is the biography to buy on Leonard Cohen.
Okładka książki Misbelief

92,00 zł 50,59 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

The renowned social scientist, professor, and bestselling author of Predictably Irrational delivers his most urgent and compelling book: an eye-opening exploration of the human side of the misinformation crisis, examining what drives otherwise rational people to adopt deeply irrational beliefs. Misinformation affects us daily, from social media to politics and even personal relationships. Policing social media alone cannot solve the complex problem shaped by partisan politics and subjective interpretations of truth. In Misbelief social scientist Dan Ariely explores the behaviour of 'misbelief' that leads people to distrust accepted truths and embrace conspiracy theories. Misinformation taps into something innate in all of us, regardless of political affiliation. By understanding this psychology, we can mitigate its effects. Grounded in research and Ariely's personal experience as a target of disinformation, the book analyses the psychological drivers behind adopting irrational beliefs. Ariely reveals the emotional, cognitive, personality, and social elements that drive people towards false information and mistrust. Despite advanced AI generating convincing fake news, Ariely offers hope. Awareness of the forces fuelling misbelief makes individuals and society more resilient. Combating misbelief requires empathy, not conflict. Recognising misbelief as a human problem allows us to be part of the solution.
Okładka książki Marek - chłopiec, który miał marzenia wyd. 2

54,40 zł 29,97 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Jakim dzieckiem był Marek Kamiński? Czy różnił się od rówieśników? Co popchnęło go ku kolejnym wyprawom i spowodowało, że wciąż sprawdza granice ludzkiej wytrzymałości? Wielki Podróżnik z werwą i humorem opowiada o swoim codziennym życiu w domu i w szkole oraz o przygodach, które ukształtowały jego ciekawość świata. Ta pięknie zilustrowana książka zawiera autentyczne zdjęcia z dzieciństwa autora. Z pewnością zachwyci dzieci i zachęci je do rozmyślań o tym, co w ich życiu jest ważne i jakimi ludźmi chciałyby zostać w przyszłości.
Okładka książki Icons of Style - Diana

83,00 zł 67,19 zł

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Dive into wonderful world of Diana - trendsetter, People's princess and international fashion legend. Through stunning photographs that capture the looks as she wore them alongside expert insights, Icons of Style pays homage to the woman who continues to inspire designers and fashion lovers across the globe. Explore wardrobe af the woman who became the epitome of eighties and nineties fashion, making headlines with her famous wedding dress, high-glamour gowns and off-duty denim.
Okładka książki Charles The Heart of a King

56,00 zł 30,79 zł

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The former Prince of Wales has lived his whole life in the public eye, yet he remains an enigma. He was born to be king, but he aims much higher. A landmark publication, Charles: The Heart of a King reveals Charles in all his complexity: the passionate views that mean he will never be as remote and impartial as his mother; the compulsion to make a difference and the many and startling ways in which the Prince and now King of the United Kingdom and fifteen other realms has already made his mark. The book offers fresh and fascinating insights into the first marriage that did so much to define him and an assessment of his relationship with the woman he calls, with unintended accuracy, his 'dearest wife': Camilla, now Queen Consort. We see Charles as a father and a friend, a serious figure and a joker. Life at court turns out to be full of hidden dangers and unexpected comedy. Now, updated and revised with a new preface and two new chapters - covering details of Harry and Meghan's exit and its implications, the cash-for-honours scandal, Prince Andrew, and more - this significant study reveals a monarchy threatened and a man in sight of happiness yet still driven by anguish and a remarkable belief system, a charitable entrepreneur, activist, agitator and avatar of the Establishment who just as often tilts against it. Based on multiple interviews with his friends and courtiers, palace insiders and critics, and rare access to Charles himself, before his kingship, this biography explores his philanthropy and his compulsive interventionism, his faith, his significant impact on politics and the philosophy that means when he seeks harmony he sometimes creates controversy. Gripping, at times astonishing, often laugh-out-loud, this is a royal biography unlike any other. 'A must-read ... this important book is nothing short of a manual to our future King's world-view' GQ 'A sustained piece of higher journalism' Independent
Okładka książki Charles & Camilla

77,00 zł 62,33 zł

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This is the definitive account of one of the most extraordinary stories of our time. Gyles Brandreth, acclaimed biographer of the Queen and Prince Philip, presents a unique portrait of their son, Charles, Prince of Wales, and of the one 'non-negotiable' love of his life, Camilla Shand, now Duchess of Cornwall. What are Charles and Camilla really like? What is their heritage? What has made them the way they are? This is both a revealing portrait of two unusual individuals and a family saga like no other, told with unrivalled authority and insight - and humour - by a best-selling writer who has met all the key characters in the drama: Charles, Camilla, Diana, their children, their families and their friends.
Okładka książki Lawrence of Arabia

93,00 zł 76,78 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

The authoritative and illuminating biography of T. E. Lawrence - the man who inspired the iconic film Lawrence of Arabia - from "The World's Greatest Living Explorer" Ranulph Fiennes. Thomas Edward Lawrence first set foot on the hot sands of Arabia in 1909. By 1918 there was a £20,000 price on his head. His journey to this point has long been legend. From his first postings as archaeologist, liaison and map officer, to fighting alongside guerrilla forces during the Arab Revolt. Journeying more than 300 miles through blistering heat to capture Aqaba, to his involvement in peace conferences that decided the future of the Middle East. Lawrence gave over his life the Middle East and its people. A legend in his own lifetime, Lawrence's epic story has always been ripe for the retelling - but Ranulph Fiennes is no ordinary biographer . . . Having led Arab troops into battle on the Arabian peninsula in a war fought only fifty years later. Fiennes too discovered the wonders of these far-flung lands and the people who live there, and is one of very few who can claim a true insight into the kind of life that Lawrence lived - bold and adventurous to the end. With detailed access to records and an in-depth knowledge, Lawrence of Arabia is at long last a true and full account of this mysterious adventurer who captivated the world.
Okładka książki Charles

67,00 zł 54,24 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

His destiny was to become King. But for 70 years, he was a Prince. From his declared heirdom aged three to his years spent fulfilling royal duty in support of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Charles has spent his entire life serving the nation. But there is still so much we don't know. In this fascinating exploration of his public and private lives, Sally Bedell Smith - the acclaimed, bestselling biographer of Elizabeth the Queen - has drawn extensively on her access to the Royal Family's inner circle to reveal a portrait of a misunderstood prince. Beginning with his lonely childhood, Smith details his intellectual quests, his entrepreneurial pursuits, and his love affairs, from the tragedy of his marriage to Diana to his eventual reunion with Camilla, as well as his relationship with the next generation of royals, including Will, Kate, Harry, and his beloved grandchildren. As this sweeping and definitive biography shows, Prince Charles is more than a king - he is a son, father, husband, servant, prince - who spent his life preparing to follow in his mother's footsteps.
Okładka książki Monet

194,78 zł 157,67 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Okładka książki The Bill Gates Problem

88,00 zł 48,39 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

The Bill Gates Problem


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