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Okładka książki The Holocaust Industry

63,00 zł 40,22 zł

This iconoclastic study was one of the most widely debated books of 2000. Finkelstein indicts with both vigor and honesty those who exploit the tragedy of the Holocaust for their own personal political and financial gain. This new edition includes updated material discussing the initial reception to the book's publication. In an iconoclastic and controversial new study, Norman G. Finkelstein moves from an interrogation of the place the Holocaust has come to occupy in American culture to a disturbing examination of recent Holocaust compensation agreements. It was not until the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, when Israel's evident strength brought it into line with US foreign policy, that memory of the Holocaust began to acquire the exceptional prominence it enjoys today. Leaders of America's Jewish community were delighted that Israel was now deemed a major strategic asset and, Finkelstein contends, exploited the Holocaust to enhance this newfound status. Their subsequent interpretations of the tragedy are often at variance with actual historical events and are employed to deflect any criticism of Israel and its supporters. Recalling Holocaust fraudsters such as Jerzy Kosinski and Binjamin Wilkomirski, as well as the demagogic constructions of writers like Daniel Goldhagen, Finkelstein contends that the main danger posed to the memory of Nazism's victims comes not from the distortions of Holocaust deniers but from prominent, self-proclaimed guardians of Holocaust memory. Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries as well as legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket. Thoroughly researched and closely argued, The Holocaust Industry is all the more disturbing and powerful because the issues it deals with are so rarely discussed.
Opakowanie The Wikileaks Files

69,00 zł 55,86 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Published in collaboration with WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks came to prominence in 2010 with the release of 251,287 top-secret State Department cables, which revealed to the world what the US government really thinks about national leaders, friendly dictators, and supposed allies. It brought to the surface the dark truths of crimes committed in our name: human rights violations, covert operations, and cover-ups. The WikiLeaks Files exposes the machinations of the United States as it imposes a new form of imperialism on the world, one founded on tactics from torture to military action, to trade deals and “soft power,” in the perpetual pursuit of expanding influence. The book also includes an introduction by Julian Assange examining the ongoing debates about freedom of information, international surveillance, and justice. An introduction by Julian Assange—writing on the subject for the first time—exposes the ongoing debates about freedom of information, international surveillance, and justice. With contributions by Dan Beeton, Phyllis Bennis, Michael Busch, Peter Certo, Conn Hallinan, Sarah Harrison, Richard Heydarian, Dahr Jamail, Jake Johnston, Alexander Main, Robert Naiman, Francis Njubi Nesbitt, Linda Pearson, Gareth Porter, Tim Shorrock, Russ Wellen, and Stephen Zunes
Okładka książki FEMINIST CITY

52,00 zł 42,09 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Okładka książki Towards the Abyss

68,00 zł 42,98 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Ukrainian politics, the Russian invasion and the escalating crisis of the post-Soviet world Towards the Abyss presents searching analysis of a decade of war and upheaval in Ukraine. Volodymyr Ishchenko has been among the left’s most significant commentators on Ukraine since 2014, when pro-EU protestors toppled the government in Kiev, Russia annexed Crimea and pro-Russian separatists seized parts of the Donbass. One of his first thoughts when he read the news of the full-scale Russian invasion on 24 February 2022 was that no matter how the war ends, he will no longer have a homeland. What has happened in Ukraine ever since the Soviet collapse is a drawn-out process of de-modernization, and the downward spiral is getting faster. Ishchenko argues that the conflict being fought in Ukraine with tanks, artillery and rockets is the same conflict suppressed by police batons in Belarus and in Russia itself. The intensification of the post-Soviet crisis – the incapacity of an oligarchic ruling class in the territories of the former USSR to sustain political or moral leadership – is the root cause of the escalating violence.
Okładka książki The Good Die Young

63,00 zł 39,69 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Kissinger is dead but his blood-soaked legacy endures If the American foreign policy establishment is a grand citadel, Henry Kissinger is the specter haunting its dusty hallways. For half a century, he was an omnipresent figure in war rooms and at press briefings, dutifully shepherding the American empire through successive attempts at expansion. For multiple generations of antiwar activists, Kissinger personified the depravity of the US war machine. The Good Die Young assesses a career too frequently applauded in essays from respected scholars and journalists such as Gerald Horne, Carolyn Eisenberg, and Chip Gibbons, with an introduction from Bancroft Prize–winner Greg Grandin. The world Kissinger wrought is one we live in today, where ideal investment conditions are generated from the barrel of a gun. Today, global capitalism and United States hegemony are underwritten by the most powerful military ever devised. Any political vision worth fighting for must promise an end to the cycle of never-ending wars afflicting the world in the twenty-first century. Breaking that cycle means placing the twin evils of capitalism and imperialism in our crosshairs. The book follows Kissinger’s fiery trajectory across the globe, covering Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. More than any other public figure, the life and career of this man illustrate the links between capitalism, empire, and the feedback loop of endless conflict that plagues us today.
Okładka książki Dizajn dla realnego świata

59,00 zł 40,09 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Istnieją co prawda dziedziny działalności bardziej szkodliwe niż wzornictwo przemysłowe, ale jest ich bardzo niewiele. W środowisku, które znajduje się wstanie wizualnego, fizycznego i chemicznego zniszczenia, najlepszą i najprostszą rzeczą, jaką mogliby dla ludzkości zrobić architekci, projektanci przemysłowi, planiści itp.., byłoby całkowite zaprzestanie działalności. W tej książce przyjmuję jednak stanowisko bardziej alternatywne - sądzę, że zamiast zawieszać działalność, moglibyśmy zacząć działać pozytywnie. Projektowanie może i powinno stać się dla młodych ludzi formą uczestnictwa w zmieniającym się społeczeństwie. Świat jest przyparty do muru, więc jako zaangażowanie społecznie i moralnie dizajnerzy musimy się ukierunkować na jego potrzeby. Wskazówki zatrzymały się - zegar wskazuje za pięć dwunasta. (fragment przedmowy)
Okładka książki Wojownicy nocy

34,90 zł 20,69 zł

Artykuł chwilowo niedostępny

Wybierz się na wstrząsającą wyprawę w krainę nocnych koszmarów.To wstrząsająca wyprawa w krainę nocnych koszmarów. Gil, Susan i Henry dziwnym zbiegiem okolicznosci spotkali się na plaży nad Pacyfikiem, gdzie znaleźli brutalnie okaleczone ciało młodej, pięknej kobiety. W ciągu kilku dni policja otrzymuje doniesienia o innych kobietach zmarłych w tragicznych okolicznościach. Łączy je jedno rozpruty brzuch, w którym kłębią się węgorze. Wkrótce okazuje się, iż spotkanie trojga obcych sobie osób wcale nie było przypadkiem są wybrani, tylko oni mogą pokonać zło, które z kozmarnych snów wychodzi na świat.
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