Lippincott® Connect Featured Title
Purchase the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes lifetime access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.
Now in its Sixth Edition, Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials is a comprehensive, concise, and clinically oriented introduction to the subject of epidemiology. Written by expert educators, this approachable, informative text introduces students to the principles of evidence-based medicine that will help them develop and apply methods of clinical observation in order to form accurate conclusions.
The updated Sixth Edition reflects the most current approaches to clinical epidemiology, including the latest coverage of modeling and expanded insight on applying concepts to clinical practice, with updated, clinical vignette-style end-of-chapter questions to help strengthen students’ understanding and ensure a confident transition to clinical settings.
Updated content throughout reflects the latest practices in clinical epidemiology.
Increased emphasis on clinical judgment helps students confidently evaluate the effectiveness of guidelines and integrate them into practice.
Updated vignette-style end-of-chapter questions place concepts in a clinical context and reinforce students’ understanding.
Key Word Lists at the start of each chapter familiarize students with critical terminology for clinical competence.
Example boxes clarify the clinical implications of important concepts with relevant real-world patient care scenarios.
Appendix of Additional Readings highlights trusted resources for further review.
Providing fast access to the most relevant, evidence-based information in all areas of anesthesiology, Pocket Anesthesia, Fourth Edition, is a practical, up-to-date resource for residents, anesthesiologists, CRNAs, and medical students—both on the wards and in the operating room. This concise handbook, now spiralbound, is designed for portability and quick reference, with information presented in a bulleted, outline format throughout.
Includes a new appendix on COVID-19 considerations, updated content on ACC/AHA guideline changes, ASE/SCA views in comprehensive TEE exam, enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), the use of anti-coagulants and stents, new approaches to pain management, as well as a new chapter on point of care ultrasound (POCUS).
Covers drugs, intraoperative problems, differential diagnosis, common disease states, patient evaluation, and anesthetic considerations for each subspecialty.
Jam-packed with tables, diagrams, and treatment algorithms for easy access to key information.
The Pocket Notebook Series format is ideal for today's fast-paced health care environment. Information is presented in a schematic, outline format, with diagrams and tables for quick, easy reference.
Part of the popular Biopsy Interpretation Series, Biopsy Interpretation of the Lung, Second Edition, is a concise, practical resource with a strong focus on diagnosis and management-oriented ancillary testing. It provides superbly illustrated coverage of the full range of neoplasms and non-neoplastic entities arising within the lung. Focusing on the daily tasks and needs of the general pathologist, this updated Second Edition is an excellent bench reference for the interpretation of the most common lung biopsies and is also a helpful resource for surgical pathologists, pathology residents, pathology fellows, pulmonologists, pulmonology fellows, and thoracic surgeons.
Addresses both common and unusual issues that arise in the day-to-day interpretation of lung biopsies, providing a solid approach to formulating surgical and medical decisions.
Includes detailed chapters on interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, and neuroendocrine tumors.
Covers the major clinical aspects of the various disease processes, plus histopathologic features and use of ancillary diagnostic techniques such as special stains, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and molecular pathology.
Discusses indications for different types of biopsies for various lesions, such as endoscopic vs. core needle vs. open/wedge biopsy.
Brings you up to date with recent changes in terminology, diagnostic criteria and the development of newer molecular techniques that have changed the practice of pulmonary pathology.
Features hundreds of new references, more than 500 color photomicrographs, and numerous tables that categorize lesions and present diagnostic criteria in a simple format.
Provides eBook access to 200 additional images and a multiple-choice test bank that is ideal for board exam preparation.
Compact and easy to use, Kaplan & Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Fourth Edition is an authoritative, affordable text that provides must-know information in clinical psychiatry. Containing the most relevant clinical material from the best-selling Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry, Eleventh Edition , it offers step-by-step guidance on the clinical examination, the psychiatric report, medical assessment of the psychiatric patient, laboratory tests, and signs and symptoms, as well as all psychiatric and substance-related disorders, with special chapters on children, adolescents, and the elderly. It also covers special topics such as emergency psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, ethics, and palliative and end-of-life care.
Key Features:
Provides concise but thorough coverage of the entire field of clinical psychiatry, including biologic, psychologic, and sociologic factors in health and disease.
Contains real-world case histories throughout.
Includes thorough updates and revisions throughout, all consistent with the DSM-5.
Features new and extensively revised coverage of childhood disorders, gender dysphoria, issues affecting LGBT persons, reproductive medicine, physician-assisted suicide, PTSD, the effects of terrorism and torture, and much more.
Includes new chapters on public psychiatry and world aspects of psychiatry, as well as a new section on brain stimulation methods.
Features a unique, comprehensive glossary of psychiatric signs and symptoms, new to this edition.
Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.
Now in four convenient volumes, Fields Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Fields Virology: Emerging Viruses, Seventh Edition covers recent changes in emerging viruses, providing new or extensively revised chapters that reflect these advances in this dynamic field.
Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, including coronavirus and COVID-19, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as medical students pursuing a career in infectious diseases.
Covers both basic science and medical features of each virus, emphasizing viruses of medical importance and interest, while also including other viruses in specific cases where more is known about their mechanisms of replication or pathogenesis.
Covers virus evolution, as well as Coronoviridae, Picornaviridae, Enteroviruses, Caliciviridae, Hepatitis C Virus, Filoviridae, Henipaviruses, Orthomyxoviruses, Bunyavirales, Arenaviridae, and much more.
Features over 500 full-color illustrations, including key figures for use as lecture slides.
Provides quick, flexible access to current information both in print and in an improved eBook format, searchable across all volumes.
Discusses virus structure, virus entry, replication, and assembly, virus-host cell interactions, host immune responses and vaccines, antiviral therapeutics, virus evolution and immunization.
New and forthcoming Fields Virology volumes, available in print and eBook format, which are sold separately:
Emerging Viruses
DNA Viruses
RNA Viruses
Fundamental Viruses
Stan prawny: 1 września 2021 r.W książce kompleksowo omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące zasad identyfikacji osoby uprawnionej z każdego rodzaju akcji oraz zaprezentowano w sposóbsystematyczny reguły wykonywania poszczególnych uprawnień udziałowych w spółce akcyjnej, z uwzględnieniem możliwych sytuacji spornych na tym tle.Publikacja obejmuje obszerną analizę wielu zagadnień ogólnych z zakresu prawa papierów wartościowych, zarówno w tradycyjnej - dokumentowej - formie, jak i papierów wartościowych zdematerializowanych. Autor przedstawił ponadto własną koncepcję dotyczącą wyjaśnienia zasad przenoszenia zdematerializowanych papierów wartościowych oraz uzasadniającą de lege lata nabycie tej kategorii papierów wartościowych w dobrej wierze.Książka jest przeznaczona przede wszystkim dla przedsiębiorców prowadzących działalność w formie spółki akcyjnej oraz firm inwestycyjnych. Zainteresuje również prawników zajmujących się tą tematyką i pracowników naukowych
Książka stanowi kompendium wiedzy o zagadnieniach dotyczących zarządzania szkołą i placówką oświatową, również w czasach pandemii COVID-19.Dyrektorom takich placówek pozwoli szybko odnaleźć się w gąszczu przepisów i sprawnie zarządzać powierzoną placówką. Autor, wskazując na akty prawne niezbędne w zarządzaniu szkołą i placówką oświatową oraz odwołując się do orzecznictwa sądów, szczegółowo omawia powierzenie stanowiska dyrektora i odwołanie z niego;o zakres obowiązków i uprawnień dyrektora ( zadania związane z prowadzeniem polityki kadrowej, prowadzeniem nadzoru pedagogicznego, przewodnictwem radzie pedagogicznej);o stanowisko dyrektora w świetle prawa ( czas pracy, wynagrodzenie i dodatki, ocena pracy);o zarządzanie szkołą w czasie pandemii.Atutem opracowania jest nie tylko całościowe ujęcie wszystkich zadań stojących przed dyrektorem szkoły, ale również wzory - zarządzeń, upoważnień i protokołów - które w znaczący sposób ułatwią pracę dyrektorom. Publikacja jest przeznaczona dla dyrektorów wszystkich typów szkół i placówek oświatowych, a także dla organów nadzoru nad tymi instytucjami.
Offering a comprehensive, authoritative review of today’s orthopaedic surgery procedures, Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, Third Edition, provides lavishly illustrated, expert guidance for virtually any orthopaedic procedure you’re likely to perform. This highly acclaimed reference focuses on mastery of operative techniques while also providing a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications, and what outcomes to expect. More than 1,000 global experts take you step by step through each procedure, and 13,000 full-color intraoperative photographs and drawings clearly demonstrate how to perform the techniques, making this an essential daily resource for residents, fellows, and practitioners.
Includes new procedures and comprehensive updates throughout all four volumes.
Provides new procedural videos and a newly streamlined eBook for on-the-go reference.
Covers all subspecialty areas including sports medicine, pediatrics, the spine, and orthopaedic oncology.
Uses consistent, easy-to-follow chapter templates and extensive bulleted lists and tables for quick reference and review.
Discusses each clinical problem using the same format: definition, anatomy, physical exams, pathogenesis, natural history, physical findings, imaging and diagnostic studies, differential diagnosis, non-operative management, surgical management, perils and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications.
Features visually stunning, consistently rendered medical illustrations and labelled photographs that present how to perform each technique step by step.
Virtually all aspects of the pathology in children are unique in pathogenesis and histogenesis from the moment of conception to adolescence whose range includes developmental anomalies to dysembryonic neoplasms. Stocker and Dehner’s Pediatric Pathology provides encyclopedic but very usable coverage of this complex subspecialty, detailing all major aspects of the pathologic anatomy of childhood disorders ranging from chromosomal syndromes and infections to forensic pathology. Upholding the standard of excellence established in previous editions, this thoroughly updated Fifth Edition offers the in-depth, richly illustrated guidance you need to confidently evaluate and dependably report your findings.
Contains extensive updates throughout, including advances in diagnosis and targeted therapy, molecular and genetic findings, prognostic indicators, and clinically relevant discoveries.
Focuses on key pathologic findings as well as the latest molecular genetic tools and the role that these findings play in pathologic diagnosis.
Provides authoritative answers on everything from how to perform a pediatric autopsy or apply the latest molecular techniques, to diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities, congenital anomalies and malformation syndromes, inborn errors of metabolism, and congenital and acquired systemic infectious diseases; from how to approach forensic pathology and transplant pathology, to evaluating the pathologies of each organ system and pediatric tumors with the latest in staging and risk assessment.
Offers quick access to essential data with 50 appendices containing multiple charts and tables in the areas of Growth and Development, Organ Weights and Body Measurements, and Placenta.
Features an intuitive organization by disease classification and organ system, highlighted by more than 1,400 gross and microscopic images, including 1,200 in full color.
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Written by and for primary care professionals, this unique title presents step-by-step, evidence-based information for the assessment and treatment of patients who present with overweight or obesity. Highly practical and easy to use, Primary Care: Obesity helps you develop and hone the specific knowledge, skills, and clinical practices necessary to provide effective care to this highly prevalent and at-risk patient population. This comprehensive guide is an essential resource for today’s internal medicine and family medicine physicians, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals who practice outpatient primary care.
Each chapter begins with a short case study that emphasizes the chapter topic, providing high-yield content you can apply in your practice.
Key topics include assessment; co-management of associated diseases; lifestyle treatment (diet, physical activity, and behavioral management); pharmacotherapy and surgery; and office practice issues.
Clinical Significance sections help you incorporate a wealth of clinical data into your practice; Clinical Highlights summarize key concepts in each chapter; and When to Refer sections help you determine the right time to send the patient to a specialist or other practical resource.
Case-based multiple choice questions in each chapter provide an opportunity for self-assessment and review.
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Widely recognized as the definitive text in pediatric cardiology, Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents provides the authoritative, state-of-the-art information you need when caring for young patients with heart disease. The editorial team, led by Dr. Robert Shaddy, from Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the University of Southern California, ensures that you are kept fully up to date with recent advances in this complex and fast-changing field. This award-winning title, now in its Tenth Edition, continues to be the reference of choice for today’s cardiology fellows, pediatric cardiologists, and cardiology practitioners worldwide.
Offers updated and revised content from cover to cover, ensuring that this classic text remains the gold standard reference in the field.
Contains more information on genetics, overseen by new editor Dr. Seema Mital.
Progresses logically through cardiac development, genetics, embryology, anatomy, physiology, individual congenital heart lesions, electrophysiology, diagnostic testing, interventional, surgical and pharmacologic management, and much more.
Features clear headings and references for ease of navigation and quick access to resources for further research.
Presents information in an easy-to-follow, visually appealing manner, with high-quality illustrations throughout.
Provides additional digital content, accessible through the eBook, that includes access to hundreds of videos of imaging and clinical procedures, as well as auscultation recordings of various cardiac lesions that are associated with specific chapters and supplementary to the text.
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Closely mirroring the daily sign-out process, Atlas of Pulmonary Pathology: A Pattern Based Approach is a highly illustrated, efficient guide to accurate diagnosis. This practical reference uses a proven, pattern-based approach to clearly explain how to interpret challenging cases by highlighting red flags in the clinical chart and locating hidden clues in the slides. Useful as a daily “scope-side guide," it features numerous clinical and educational features that help you find pertinent information, reach a correct diagnosis, and assemble a thorough and streamlined pathology report.
More than 1,600 high-quality photomicrographs capture the subtle morphologic spectrum of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic lung biopsies. Each image is captioned with key diagnostic considerations and includes callouts showing subtle features and diagnostic clues.
Practical tools throughout the text include:
Tables that emphasize salient clinicopathologic features, management implications, and therapeutic options
Discussions of how and when to incorporate molecular tools
Checklists for key elements of the diagnostic approach and sample notes for inclusion in pathology reports
Relevant endoscopic images, photographs of select gross specimens, and medical figures
Brief reviews of normal histology that provide contrast to succeeding patterns
“Pearls and Pitfalls" and “Near Misses" sections with lessons from real life sign-out experience
“Frequently Asked Questions" sections that discuss common diagnostic dilemmas
“Sample Note" sections that offer a template of how to sign out cases from the simple to the complex Comprehensive quiz provides experience with high-yield, board-style teaching topics
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Essential for ob/gyn physicians, primary care physicians, and any health care provider working with pregnant or postpartum women, Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk, 12th Edition, puts must-know information at your fingertips in seconds. An easy A-to-Z format lists more than 1,400 of the most commonly prescribed drugs taken during pregnancy and lactation, with detailed monographs designed to provide the most essential information on possible effects on the mother, embryo, fetus, and nursing infant.
Each templated monograph includes:
Generic US name (trade names in index)
Risk factors
Pharmacologic class
Pregnancy and breastfeeding recommendations
Pregnancy, fetal risk, and breastfeeding summaries
Updated references
NEW in the 12th Edition:
100 new drugs, with thorough updates of all existing drugs
Subheadings with each review for faster reference
List of cross-referenced combination drugs
List of drugs contraindicated in breastfeeding women
List of drugs contraindicated in pregnancy
List of drugs that affect human development
Quarterly updates, available online, to keep you at the forefront of the field
Greatly improved eBook searchability
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Over the past 30 years high-resolution CT (HRCT) has matured to become an integral part of the multidisciplinary evaluation in diffuse lung disease. In this regard, Webb, Muller and Naidich’s High-Resolution CT of the Lung, 6th Edition, is a ‘gold standard’ reference that aims to keep radiologists and pulmonologists alike at the cutting edge of the ever-evolving field of thoracic imaging. The new US-European author team continues the tradition of excellence which readers have come to expect while the underlying layout and ethos — established by the ‘founding’ author team — remain. The new edition aims to brings readers up to date not only with recent advances but also with the important conceptual changes in thinking in various fields of thoracic imaging. Also featured in this updated edition is authoritative guidance on HRCT findings and differential diagnosis, as well as the characteristics of the common lung diseases assessed using HRCT, all enhanced by a multitude of new images and updated content throughout.
Covers the physical and anatomic principles governing HRCT imaging and the importance of the ‘pattern-based’ approach to HRCT interpretation.
Updates to chapters on interstitial lung diseases and airways diseases & connective tissue diseases reflect the dramatic changes in thinking in these fields.
Includes new and improved features including key HRCT findings in separate tables in relevant sections, where relevant, and new and exciting topics including artificial intelligence and machine learning. [Reword to: Includes improved features such as key HRCT findings in separate tables, and new topics including artificial intelligence and machine learning. ?]
Contains full-color illustrations of histologic findings in lung disease linked with HRCT manifestations.
Provides diagnostic algorithms, an illustrated quick reference guide at the front of the text, and helpful tables and line drawings.
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Closely mirroring the daily sign-out process, Atlas of Lymph Node Pathology: A Pattern Based Approach is a highly illustrated, efficient guide to accurate diagnosis. This practical reference uses a proven, pattern-based approach to clearly explain how to interpret challenging cases by highlighting red flags in the clinical chart and locating hidden clues in the slides. Useful as a daily “scope-side guide,” it features numerous clinical and educational features that help you find pertinent information, reach a correct diagnosis, and assemble a thorough and streamlined pathology report.
More than 1,500 high-quality photomicrographs depict reactive and neoplastic processes involving lymph nodes, capturing the full spectrum of morphologic changes associated with common abnormalities, including relatively rare conditions. Captions include a morphologic description, highlighting subtle features and key diagnostic considerations.
Practical tools throughout the text include:
Tables that emphasize salient clinicopathologic features, management implications, and therapeutic options
Discussions of how and when to incorporate immunohistochemical and special stains, as well as the utilization of flow cytometry and molecular tools
Checklists for key elements of the diagnostic approach and sample notes for inclusion in pathology reports
Relevant endoscopic images, photographs of select gross specimens, and medical figures
Brief reviews of normal histology that provide contrast to succeeding patterns
“Pearls and Pitfalls” and “Near Misses” sections with lessons from real-life sign-out experience
“Frequently Asked Questions” sections that discuss common diagnostic dilemmas
“Sample Note” sections that offer a template of how to synthesize complicated or especially challenging topics
Quizzes in every chapter that provide experience with high-yield, board-style teaching topics
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Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Closely mirroring the daily sign-out process, Atlas of Genitourinary Pathology: A Pattern Based Approach is a highly illustrated, efficient guide to accurate diagnosis. This practical reference uses a proven, pattern-based approach to clearly explain how to interpret challenging cases by highlighting red flags in the clinical presentation and locating hidden clues in the slides. Useful as a daily “scope-side guide,” it features numerous clinical and educational features that help you find pertinent information, reach a correct diagnosis, and assemble a thorough and streamlined pathology report.
More than 1,200 high-quality photomicrographs capture the subtle morphologic spectrum of both biopsy and resection specimens of the prostate, bladder, kidney, testis, and the male genital tract. Each image is captioned with key diagnostic considerations and includes call-outs showing subtle features and diagnostic clues.
Practical tools throughout the text include:
Tables that emphasize salient clinicopathologic features, management implications, and therapeutic options
Discussions of how and when to incorporate immunohistochemical, and if necessary, molecular tools
Checklists for key elements of the diagnostic approach and sample notes for inclusion in pathology reports.
Photographs of select gross specimens, and numerous histologic correlates
Brief reviews of normal histology that provide contrast to succeeding patterns
“Pearls and Pitfalls” and “Near Misses” sections with lessons from real life sign-out experience
“Frequently Asked Questions” sections that discuss common diagnostic dilemmas
“Sample Note” sections that offer a template of how to synthesize complicated or especially challenging topics
Comprehensive quiz provides experience with high-yield, board-style teaching topics
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Widely recognized as the gold standard reference in the field, Rosen’s Breast Pathology provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on diseases of the breast from renowned experts at four leading medical centers, masterfully edited by Dr. Paul P. Rosen. The revised fifth edition covers the latest advances in immunohistochemical, pathobiological, and molecular aspects of benign and malignant breast diseases, helping you reach an accurate diagnosis with confidence. It’s an ideal reference for all physicians and medical personnel who require a thorough knowledge of breast pathology, including pathologists, surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, and radiation oncologists.
Covers clinical and radiological presentation, epidemiology, gross pathology, microscopic pathology, treatment, and prognosis (when relevant) for each disease entity.
Addresses surgical and oncological aspects of various diseases wherever appropriate.
Thoroughly updated throughout to reflect the latest advances in this dynamic area of practice.
Features more than 2,000 high-quality images that highlight key diagnostic features, including hundreds of new illustrations.
Stresses the role of pathology in the multidisciplinary management of breast diseases.
Emphasizes histopathological features of breast diseases.
Recommends appropriate management for specific breast diseases.
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Providing a solid foundation in current ECG technology as well as the newest diagnostic applications, Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography, Thirteenth Edition, delivers the information you need to quickly improve your ECG interpretive skills. Authors Dr. David G. Strauss and Dr. Douglas D. Schocken offer medical students, residents and fellows a detailed explanation of the ECG, rhythm analysis, and how to rapidly and accurately interpret ECG results. Helpful diagrams, tables, animations, and videos, plus new ECG quizzes online, improve your understanding and skills.
Includes new, interactive and topical ECG quizzes available online through the eBook bundled with this text.
Offers extensive content updates throughout, including substantial updates to the abnormal rhythms section of the book along with chapters on chamber enlargement, drugs and electrolytes, a new chapter on adult congenital heart disease, and more.
Contains summary illustrations with each chapter to that allow you to quickly grasp concepts in an easy-to-understand, telegraphic style.
Numerous animations throughout to help illustrate cardiovascular disease processes, their effects on the heart muscle, and their clinical manifestations on ECG readings.
Uses ECG recordings, anatomical drawings, glossary terms, and animations, and tables to provide comprehensive guidance on ECG interpretation, with convenience glossaries at the end of each chapter that reinforce key terminology.
Pairs diagnostic images with corresponding ECGs to enhance understanding.
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Funkcjonalny informator dla prawnikaKalendarium: dzień na stronieZawartość informatora: praktyczne, funkcjonalne kalendarium, obszerny wykaz instytucji prawniczych w tabelach, zestawienie przepisów o kosztach, mapa Polski, registry, dwie wstążeczki, odrębny notatnik teleadresowy.
Funkcjonalny informator w eleganckiej oprawieKalendarium: dzień na stronieZawartość informatora:praktyczne, funkcjonalne kalendarium,skorowidz adresów i telefonów,obszerny wykaz instytucji prawniczych w tabelach,zestawienie przepisów o kosztach,dwie wstążeczki.
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